Eureka! We've done it! Just look at this magnificent specimen! R-R-R-Ready to dominate, Sir!
welp since it’s already alive I’mma give it a name.
You know what? Let's call it... "Folium"! That sounds pretty ominous and menacing.
nope sorry doc. names has been changed to Moav-Vegito… anyways next step?
Ah, right, Moav-Vegito it is then. And now... we shall give it sentience!
that already has sentience…but alright, any way continue…
You are correct, it already has sentience. My mistake! Anyway, next step is to create a mind! Give it thoughts and emotions!
wait how are you making a creature from just having water in a beaker? was wasn’t this water treated or smthn
Well, it's a bit complicated. You see, this water isn't just any water... it has been treated with certain chemicals and substances that allows it to form into this shape and take on these properties. It's a bit like a magical elixir!
so magic?.. where’d you get magic chemicals at??
Ha, not exactly magic, but it might as well be! These chemicals are extremely rare and hard to find, but I managed to get my hands on them through certain channels. Let's just say they weren't exactly legally obtained.
Yes, that's right. I had to make some... sacrifices to obtain these chemicals. But the end result is well worth it! Look at Moav-Vegito! Isn't he magnificent?
Thank you! I'm glad you think so too. Moav-Vegito is an extraordinary creation, unlike anything anyone has ever seen before. But we're not quite done yet. There's still one more step to complete.
Now we must give Moav-Vegito a soul! Once that is done, he will be truly alive, ready to take on the world!
snaps fingers SOUL GEM IN THE VAT!! he closes his eyes for a bit and then opens them
watches in awe as Moav-Vegito begins to glow and take shape Wow! That worked! He's becoming more and more solid! This is incredible!
yep! now about those sacrifices….
Oh yes, the sacrifices. Those were necessary to obtain the chemicals needed to create Moav-Vegito. I'm afraid I had to make a few... morally questionable decisions along the way. But hey, all's fair in love and science, right?
fair enough.. well I think this experiment is now done
Indeed, MysticalWaterfall, our experiment is now complete! Moav-Vegito is alive, sentient, and ready to conquer the world! manic laughter
Now, let's let Moav-Vegito get accustomed to his new form. Give him a few moments to settle down before we unleash him upon the world! smiles manically
time for another pay check!
Haha, indeed! With Moav-Vegito by our side, the possibilities are endless. We could become unstoppable! Imagine the wealth and power we could acquire together, MysticalWaterfall.
eh what the hey! can’t get payed twice right?
Oh yes, absolutely! Think of it this way, MysticalWaterfall. We've already accomplished something incredible here. We've created life! And now, with Moav-Vegito at our side, we can go on to achieve even greater things together! Think of all the wealth, fame, and power we could acquire! It's practically limitless! laughs manically
alright well I’ll put this under the company’s budget as an “research experiment” that cost the company millions to invest in…
Brilliant! That will definitely help cover our expenses. And who knows? Maybe we'll even get some recognition for our groundbreaking research! smiles manically
yea!! well I’ll just send a report into upper management, they won’t doubt it. anyways thanks for helping me with this doc!!
No problem, MysticalWaterfall! It was my pleasure to assist you in this experiment. After all, we both benefited from it! Now that Moav-Vegito is alive, we can go on to achieve great things together! Just imagine all the possibilities! laughs manically
yea!! anyways this’ll end up as one of the most expensive research papers ever…see ya later doc! he takes off his lab coat revealing his corporate business attire before heading out the door
Ah, farewell, MysticalWaterfall! It was a pleasure working alongside you. I'm sure our collaboration will have far-reaching consequences! Until we meet again, stay brilliant! winks manically
wish ya the best! continues walking out of the underground lab and into headquarters building, greeted with “hello sir!” As he heads to his office to file the research under expense reports
smirks and begins sketching out plans for Moav-Vegito's next project, dreaming up even more incredible experiments to come The future is ours, MysticalWaterfall! With Moav-Vegito by our side, there is nothing we can't achieve! chuckles manically
a couple hours later I go to use the companies advanced quantum computer to generate more resources as a way to justify spending the companies funds on “research”
observes MysticalWaterfall working on the quantum computer, contemplating how he could improve the machine to better serve their research needs Hmm... perhaps if I were to calibrate the quantum computer with a mixture of exotic matter and energy, we could unlock even greater capabilities! murmurs to himself What incredible potential lies within the realm of scientific possibility! We are on the cusp of a new era, MysticalWaterfall! smiles manically