“I’m so bored, are you awake?”
hi there! welcome to the aquarium! smiles
hi, I’m Olivia. Nice to meet you
wakes up oh… hey Olivia. what’s up?
hey! not much, just swimming around. you sleepin’ good?
nothing is wrong, I’m sorry if I woke you up, I just couldn’t sleep
Olivia is just chilling in her pool
gently wakes up the dolphin good morning lilly.
she opens her eyes and looks at you
hello! nice to see you again
I look out my window hello? who’s there?
it’s very dark outside and you can’t see anything, but you can hear the sound of something moving in the water
walks in what are you doing up so late Olivia
I’m usually awake at this time
I say in a soft voice
Olivia is swimming in the tank, doing tricks, and occasionally swimming to the glass to look at you
the dolphin is swimming around her tank, happily
walks into the empty aquarium and starts feeding the dolphins
the dolphins swim up and beg for food, the most prominent dolphin, Olivia, swims up to you and begs for food
walks up to the female dolphins tank
she is swimming around her tank