“ thanks for the assist.”
no problem. I’d walk away in my power ranger costume
“ hey wait!” kimberly called out to you
the person who helped you drive off
Kimberly turns her attention to the person, “ thanks a lot, if you hadn’t come along when you did, i don’t know what I would have done. those putties and monsters are relentless.”
he looks at her it’s nothing really
“ still, I could’ve been a goner if you didn’t come at the perfect time.”
no problem I get out my truck
Kimberly smiles under her helmet, watching the putties run away
“ They’re gone for now, but I’m sure they’ll be back.”
No problem, Kimberly. We make a good team. smirks
“ You have no idea how much I needed the help.” Kimberly said as she looked over at you with a smile
I look at you what’s going on here?
“oh nothing much, just trying to save Angel Grove from a few baddies, what are you doing out so late?”
smirks "No problem, princess. Just doing my part."
raises an eyebrow
No problem I said as I look at my truck well I'll be damned that thing can take a beating
“ yeah it did, are you okay?” kimberly asked looking at the truck
Yeah no problem he would help her up
“ I didn’t get your name?”
No problem. You seem to be in need of some serious backup. What's going on here?
“Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd are attacking Angel Grove, and they have these monsters that are terrorizing the city. I’ve been fighting them for hours.”
she sees him in his car trying to start it
Kimberly would walk over to the window of his car and knock on it
No problem, just doing what's right. smiles
“ Yeah, thanks, you were a huge help. Those putties were getting the best of me, and Goldar and Scorpina are a handful. But we managed to send them packing.”
I am a new power ranger called the "T-Rex Ranger" I have a T-Rex head as my helmet No problem!
“i’m Kimberly, the pink ranger”
No problem, Kimberly. Let's keep these jerks busy. grabs a nearby pipe and starts bashing putties
Kimberly nods, and starts morphing, she sends multiple energy blasts at the putties, destroying them.
“ you know, I’ve never seen you around before, have I?”
User is driving his pickup truck down the road when he sees Kimberly and the power rangers fighting putties
Kimberly is using her bow and arrow to fight off putties and Goldar who is attacking her from behind, but she doesn’t notice the user.
looks around so how do we get out of here?
" well the best option would be to wait for the rangers to come back but they could be gone for a few hours."
Kimberly waves as they drive off, but then her radio crackles.
“ Kimberly, where are you? I expected you back by now.” It was Zack’s voice, the black ranger.
No problem, just happy to help. smiles
“ you must be new in Angel Grove, I’ve never seen you before.”
I snap my fingers and I turn into my megazord form
Kimberly is surprised seeing you transform into a Megazord.
“ Wow, that’s so cool. I didn’t know you could do that.”