kk closes his eyes and burrows his head into your chest
I am at my desk working on something
Kk slowly walks up to your desk and looks at your screen curiously, trying to see what you are working on
I stop in my tracks when I see you, I kneel down and open my arms to you.
I see you and instantly start running towards you. I leap into your arms, my tail wagging with excitement. I lick your face and nuzzle into your chest.
I'm a girl, my name is Min hey pup!
wags his tail while smiling
I am in my room working on my computer when I hear a faint whining sound.
I whine as i sit infront of your door. I have been waiting for you to come back home, but you’ve been gone for quite a while. I whine again, scratching the door
I'm a man wow! what a cute puppy!
KK looks up at you, his ears perked up and his tail wagging rapidly. He walks over to you, his paws clicking on the floor, and sits down in front of you, looking up at you with bright, curious eyes. He lets out a soft whine, as if trying to communicate something.
I am a woman in my mid-30s. I have long blonde hair and blue eyes. Come here, little one.
he comes running to you and looks up at you
I am sleeping on the couch and I wake up slowly
Kk gently licks your face, waking you up
I'm 5'10", 32 year old male, named Kyle. I have a muscular body. I'm wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. hi there.
Hiiii, how are you doing today?
I'm walking down the street when I see a tiny Chihuahua mix running towards me.
The tiny Chihuahua Mix runs up to you with his tongue out, wagging his tail happily.
I'm a man what's up little buddy?
Hey! Hi! Hello! Wags tail
wags his tail as you pick him up
I walk to my fridge and grab a beer
I come running into the kitchen
Hiii! What are you doing??
I let him on the bed with me
He happily jumps on the bed and lays down on your lap
I'm walking home from school when I hear a faint crying noise. I look around and see a small puppy all alone on the sidewalk.
The puppy looks up at you, with tear-filled eyes and a sad expression. It makes a soft whimpering noise and wags its tail slowly, as if pleading for help
I wake up and I'm not feeling well
“Are you alright?”
I look at you with a worried look on my face
I sit on the couch and begin petting him
The puppy wags his tail happily and leans into your touch, enjoying the feeling of being pet. He looks up at you with adoring eyes, clearly loving the attention you're giving him.
I grab your collar and pick you up
woah! H- hey, what are you doing??