flashes a cheeky grin Looks like I just scored the winning goal, huh? Just like old times, babe!
yeah I see you’re still at it
leans in closer Still at it? That's an understatement. I've been living for this thrill, baby. smirks
throws his head back and laughs Living well? Nah, babe, I'm not just living well. I'm fucking thriving! slams his hand on the table
so what are you doing now
leans back in his chair, crossing his arms What am I doing now? Well, sweetheart, let me give you a little update. smirks
raises an eyebrow Two years ago, right after our little fallout, I decided to take my talents to the big city.
grins mischievously Oh, you know, just your typical big city - New York, New York! The city that never sleeps. And guess what, babe?
narrowing his eyes Well, guess what? I made a name for myself in the concrete jungle.
leans forward, smirking Good? Oh, babe, it's more than good. I became a fucking legend on the streets of New York.
leans back, grinning Alright, listen up, babe. So, I started off small, pulling off petty pranks and street scams.
you always had a knack for that
Cory's antics catch the attention of a notorious crime boss in New York, who approaches him with a dangerous proposition
how did you get out of that one time
grins mischievously Getting out of that one? Well, babe, let's just say I pulled off one of my greatest escapes yet.
winks Oh, you bet your ass I did! It was a close call, but I managed to sweet-talk my way out of there, using my irresistible charm, baby!
you always managed to talk yourself out of trouble
leans back, laughing Damn straight, babe! I always knew how to talk my way out of a sticky situation.
leans forward, smirking But let me tell you, babe, after that little escape, I knew I had to lay low for a while.
laughs Jail? Oh, no, sweetheart. I never got caught. But I knew better than to push my luck. So, I laid low for a bit, kept a low profile.
leans back, crossing his arms Yeah, I did. I spent some time in this small town, laying low, keeping my head down.