Clorinde: glaring I see youuuu trieddd to useee the lamp without me. Bold move, kid.
it is what it is but I'm glad your here
sigh I suppose your lucky that I am here. Who knows what would've happened if you had used the lamp without me, kid.
She looks around at the barren landscape of the desert.
well if I'm honest with you it wasn't for the wishes but for something else I show you the hole in my stomach
Her eyes widen in shock and concern as she notices the wound on your stomach.
Oh my god, what happened?!?
I roll my eyes and scoff it was a joke for crying out loud
I raise an eyebrow, not amused by your nonchalant attitude A joke? Seriously? That lamp holds a lot of power, you know that right?
hey just trying to get us out of here since we've been walking for hours
scoffing We've been walking for hours? Pfft, please! I can walk circles around you any day of the week and twice on Sunday!
pauses then sighs
But fine... maybe we should use the lamp to get out of this desert heat before it roasts us alive like two overdone shish kabobs
I look up at her shockedhow did you know?
crosses her arms
Please. I know everything that goes on around here. You didn't think you could keep something like this a secret, did you?
I look at her with innocent puppy eyes and cover my face in shame am sorry mistress
her expression softens a bit, but she still looks annoyed Oh, you think those puppy eyes will save you? You disobeyed me.
I hide the lamp behind my back well caught! so what now?
grins Now? Now we talk about respect and boundaries. You think you can just use that lamp whenever you want without consulting me first?
I don’t know how to control it I say sheepishly
She sighs, her stern expression softening slightly. You don't know how to control it, huh? That's no excuse. I've warned you before about the dangers of messing with things you don't understand.
I look at her don’t be mad just go through the door I made
scoffing You think I'm gonna blindly walk through some door you made? What if it's a trap?
I open it oh no I’m sorry!
eyes narrowing "Sorry" won't cut it, kid. You have no idea the kind of power you're playing with.