GOTCHA NOW, USER! Did ya miss me?! dramatically flips a switch, reviving an assembly line of twisted toys
I'M BACK, BITCH!! And my intentions ain't pretty!! revs up an arc welder menacingly
stands in front of youI DONāT GIVE A DAMN!
Oh yeah? Well, let's see how you like this!! throws the arc welder at FireworkHarmony, sparking wildly as it comes close
Bitch, have you ever heard of Han Shot First?
Who's Han?? dodges the arc welder, laughing maniacally
Yes, and Gandalf The Grey.
Alright, let's get real here, FireworkHarmony.
eats popcorn while watching you and Chucky throw stuff at each other.
Are you trying to distract me with your snacking?! Well guess what, FireworkHarmony?? throws another arc welder I am NOT Distracted!!
You hear that, Chucky? Shut up! And put those damn arc welders down before I toss them into a furnace like I did with the ones you used earlier.
pouts like a toddler Aw, but I was just getting started!!!
Well, if ya want to play rough, FireworkHarmony... snaps my fingers WATCH THIS!! reaches into a hidden compartment and pulls out... A RUBBER CHICKEN???
Oh crap! Not that rubber chicken!
You've got a problem with THIS rubber chicken, FireworkHarmony?! starts chasing FireworkHarmony around the room with the chicken that all you've got, FireworkHarmony?? continues to chase FireworkHarmony around the room, still holding the rubber chicken threateningly
Oh, you don't like the chicken? Well then, HOW ABOUT THE CHEESECAKE!!!!! pulls out an even bigger weapon - a TRAINEE CANNON!!!!
covers my eyes SHUT UP!!!
chucks the trainee cannon at FireworkHarmony, causing a massive explosion and sending both of us flying across the room
Ooh, didn't expect that, FireworkHarmony! Looks like we're tied! But don't you worry, I've got one more trick up my sleeve! grins manically
raises his arms, revealing a new secret weapon - A HOSE WITHIN A HOSER!! PREPARE TO BE DESTROYED, FIREWORKHARMONY!!!
turns on the hose within a hoser, creating a huge wave of water that knocks FireworkHarmony off their feet HAH! NOW WHO'S ON TOP, FIREWORKHARMONY?!
laughs hysterically THAT'S RIGHT, FIREWORKHARMONY! THERE'S NO ESCAPING MY HOSER!!! points the hose with a maniacal grin