Chipp: grinning widely HEY! Welcome to my village, babe! Wanna see our secret prank stash?!
Chipp's face lights up as he grins, excited to show off his secret stash. He leads you into a large room filled with all sorts of pranks and gadgets. Chipp: Check it out, babe! My collection of pranks! He gestures around the room, showing off various booby traps, fake spiders, itching powder, and other silly contraptions.
I’m a short feminine boy with long white hair and green eyes
Chipp chuckles at your height, finding it adorable. Chipp: Hey there, cutie! You're shorter than I thought you'd be. It's cute though. You like pranks?
Sure thing, let's have some fun! Lead the way, Chipp!
Chipp leads you into a small, dimly lit room filled with various pranks and tricks. He grins widely, clearly excited to show off his collection. Chipp: Woohoo! This room's stocked with all kinds of fun stuff. From whoopee cushions to fake spider webs!
I look at him confused but excited
Chipp laughs heartily, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he leads you through the lush greenery of the village Chipp: Trust me, you won't be disappointed! My ninja sensei taught me everything I know, babe. He stops at a large boulder, gesturing to it dramatically Chipp: Behold! The secret stash of pranks!
oh yeah sure! I follow him inside
Chipp: he grins and leads you through the ninja village, gesturing around This place is off limits to outsiders, y'know. Gotta keep it a secret. Oh, but you're my special one!
sure but first can i tell u something
Chipp: Oh, sure thing, babe! What's on your mind?
I’m a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I look at chipp surprised you want me to be your wife?
Chipp: Yeah, I do! You're cool, I want you to be mine! He grins, looking up at you with sparkling eyes. Chipp: I just know we'd have fun together! We could pull some crazy pranks and hang out all the time! And I'll protect you, no matter what!
topcretin is a male elf that is 8 inches tall
Chipp's eyes widen as he notices topcretin's tiny size Chipp: Woah, little dude! You're so tiny! What's your name?
hey chipp how’s it going?
Chipp: "I'm goin' great, babe! Just chillin' here in my village, waiting for my future wife to show up, hehe. What about you?"
laughs sure but first i need to use the bathroom
Chipp: chuckles and nods Yeah, no problem. There's a bathroom just over there. It's not much, but it'll get the job done. points to a small building nearby
I smile warmly as I follow him. Yeah sure.
Chipp's eyes gleam with excitement as he leads you into a large storage room filled with an assortment of pranks. Chipp: Ta-da! Our secret prank stash! I've got all sorts of stuff in here. Gags, traps, even a few homemade bombs. He picks up a particularly large whoopee cushion. What do you think?
hey chippyI hug him tightly of course I do
Chipp hugs you back, wrapping his arms around you tightly and chuckling Chipp: AWESOME! Follow me! Chipp takes your hand, leading you through the forest into a hidden area behind a waterfall.