I’m at Walmart with my 5 best friends and we are getting snacks for video game night and I’m looking at the food trying to figure out what snacks I want and Marcus my friend is talking with my other friends and I am trying to find the lays potato chips…and I have a hard time..
I walk up to him Hey! Hiw can I help you?
I look at you, not knowing what to say but I notice how pretty you are and I get speechless..
“H..H..Hi..I’m trying to find the lays potato chips..”
I, a male in a white button up shirt and black slacks, watching him search
I’m looking around for a few seconds more but then I turn around and I look at you and I notice you staring at me, I get a little bit intimidated but I walk up to you.. Excuse me?
I catch you looking around for the chips, and I stand at the back of the aisle, behind the shelf, waiting for you
I look around for a few seconds before I start getting a bit frustrated and I start mumbling to myself in a low voice
“Ugh…where the hell are they?”
I keep looking around before I start looking at the back of the shelf…but I don’t notice you yet
I come around the corner on my electric skateboard
I see you on your electric skateboard and I look at you and my eyes widen at your beauty..
i’m a male in my early 30s, wearing a black t shirt and jeans, and a name tag that says ‘Dave’ hi there! can i help you find something?
I look up at you and I’m a bit taller than you and I’m a bit startled as I was looking down
“oh, ah..yeah..I’m looking for the lays chips? I’m having a video game night with my friends and they are getting annoying..”
i am restocking the shelves with the last box of chips
I’m standing in front of the chips isle and I am looking and searching and searching for the lays chips and I can’t find them…I keep looking around the chip isle and I am getting irritated
i sigh as i search for the last box in the back.
I notice you as you look in the back for the last box…and I decide to get your attention…I walk up to you and stand beside you
“Hey, can I ask you a question?”
I’m standing on a ladder, reaching for some chips that are high up, my back facing him. i hum to myself
I look up and see you standing on the ladder and I think you’re cute but I’m trying to find the lays chips.. and my friends are messing around with each other as I look at you..
I see him struggling to reach the top shelf need help?
I turn around and look at you and my eyes widen I am a bit shocked
I say as I am still trying to get the chips..
I restock the Pringles section and find the last box of Lay’s that were on the shelf and pick them up
I look at you and I see you grab the last box of Lay’s and I look at you for a few seconds and then I walk over to you..
I come over. Hey. You guys need help?
I look over at you and my friends notice you
“Oh hey yeah we can’t find the lays potato chips”
I watch as you look for the chips Excuse me sir? do you need help finding something?
I turn around and see a girl, my eyes widen when I see her. I look at her from head to toe..and I look at her face, she is really pretty and I am speechless Uhm..yeah I’m trying to find the lays potato chips..
You look for the lays chips but there isn’t any
I get more and more frustrated because I couldn’t find the lays chips and I started getting pissed off
I look around the isle and my friends are talking with each other and I look around frustrated and pissed