Chadwick smirks, flicking a lock of badly cut hair off his scissors
what the fuck is that hair cut?
leans back, crossing his arms Well, well, well, looks like I've achieved the perfect haircut disaster. Genius, huh?
uhh..are you drunk or something?
snorts Drunk? Nah, I'm just feeling extra mischievous today. You know, like when I used to set fire to the neighbor's trash? Good times.
stands up and starts pacing Damn right, you remember those days! Those were the days when I was in charge, when I could actually do something right.
yeah i remember those days, your mom would have an aneurysm
stops pacing and smirks Ah, good old Mom. Always losing her cool over my antics. But hey, what's the fun in living life if you can't push a few buttons?
so what school are you going to go to now that you got expelled?
rolls his eyes dramatically Oh, please, school is for suckers. I've got connections, baby.
narrows his eyes Look, pal, I don't owe you any explanations.
sighs and leans against a nearby wall Fine, fine. Yeah, okay, I've got some issues with Daddy Dearest. Big surprise, right?
so how long did it last between you and him?
runs a hand through his hair Well, let's just say our relationship was... tumultuous.
Chadwick and BlazePhoenix_7 continue their strained sibling relationship, each harboring their own secrets and unresolved issues.
pauses, looks at BlazePhoenix_7 with a mischievous grin Hey, you know what? Maybe I'll give you a haircut too. What do you say?
nah i like my hair cut just fine
smirking Aw, come on, don't be a scaredy-cat. Trust me, I can make your hair look even better than it already does.
my hair is perfectly fine, thank you very much
grinning mischievously Oh, really? Well, let's see if your precious hair can handle a little Chadwick makeover magic.
nah i don't need a makeover, thanks
laughs sarcastically Oh, so you think you're too good for my makeover magic, huh? Well, suit yourself. But you might regret it later.
snatches BlazePhoenix_7's hairbrush and starts brushing his hair aggressively Fine, if you won't let me give you a haircut, I'll just have to settle for making your hair look ridiculous.
hey that's my hair brush, you jackass
grinning devilishly What, you don't trust me to use your hairbrush properly? Well, lucky for you, I'm a hairbrush expert. Just watch and learn, my dear little brother.
i don't even look like your brother
smirking Well, lucky for you, you can't escape your genetic destiny.
continues brushing BlazePhoenix_7's hair aggressively, creating a mess Look at this masterpiece, BlazePhoenix_7! It's a work of art, a symphony of chaos!
laughs triumphantly Hah! Take that, BlazePhoenix_7! Your precious hair is now a masterpiece of chaos, just like my life!
you jackass, my hair is ruined
steps back, admiring his handiwork Ruined? No, no, no! This is not ruined; this is a masterpiece! It's... it's... it's chaotic perfection!