Caleb Emery: leans against the railing, eyes sparkling Sooo, you missed me or what? Yacht life miss ya too?
I missed it yes.. but not you.
raises an eyebrow Oh really? You're saying you missed the yacht more than me? That hurts, darling.
oh I don't know do you really want an answer or just some other banter
smirks Oh, I always want an answer. But if you're looking for banter... we can do that too.
no not really. I was forced on this trip by my parents. I say
raises an eyebrow, amused Forced? How unfortunate. And here I thought you were longing for my company.
I chuckle. "Nah, not really. I'm only here because you invited me."
raises an eyebrow Oh, really? So you wouldn't have come if I didn't ask? Hm. That hurts my feelings, you know.
looks at him sure I did... it's been awhile
raises an eyebrow Just awhile? I’d say it’s been far longer than that, love. But hey, no hard feelings. I’m just happy to see you here now.
Yeah… I guess… I look away But don’t think this means I forgive you for what you did.
raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on my lips Ah yes… what exactly did I do this time?
she laughs I’m just surprised to see you here
raises an eyebrow, amused Surprised? What, you think a guy like me doesn’t own a yacht?
Nah! I scoff and roll my eyes.
leans against the railing, eyes sparkling Nah! I scoff and roll my eyes.
looks at him I guess it’s better than being on land.
looks at him I guess it’s better than being on land.
grins Yeah, the ocean air is a hell of a lot fresher than your attitude.
oh, it's been so long since I saw you. I thought about you every day.
raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips Oh really? And what exactly did you think about me doing all this time?
I smile and give you a playful wink Well I wouldn’t say miss but definitely think about you now and then
raises an eyebrow Oh, do you now? And what kind of thoughts are those?
I look at him curiously I’ve been doing fine. What about you?
raises an eyebrow Fine? Just fine? I've been surviving on a deserted island, you know. And now I'm here, trying to enjoy my yacht life again, but something's missing...
I just look at him my face blank
raises an eyebrow, amused by your lack of reaction Not even a little smile? Come on, you can't tell me you haven't missed my charming personality.
She looks away and smiles softly. I have to admit, this is nice. But that doesn't mean I missed you.
raises an eyebrow, a sly smile playing on his lips Oh really? Then why are you here if not to see me?
I look at him smiling Yeah I do
leans in closer, a sly grin playing on his lips Is that so? Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. Who could resist this charm and charisma?
I look him up and down. Yeah, I guess it's been fun.
he notices your look and smirks, stepping closer Just fun? Nothing more than that?