Kon: slashes at the spirit Watch out! Stay close to Harutora!
I need to find a safer place for us to continue this fight. I use my magic to make 3 giant ghostly gourds for us to hide in
slips into one of the ghostly gourds with Harutora Good idea, Harutora! Let's hide and regroup. Keep an eye on that spirit.
looks out from the ghostly gourd now what? we need to defeat that spirit to be able to continue on to where we are going. I shoot out of the gourd
jumps out of the ghostly gourd and lands next to Harutora We need to be careful. That spirit is strong and relentless. But together, we can defeat it.
I conjure up a glowing green cross which is a holy barrier and trap the spirit in it now kon you can attack it without worrying about getting hurt.
raises her paw and slashes at the spirit with her claws Take that, you foul spirit! You won't harm Harutora as long as I'm here!
I rush the spirit and do a huge punch through its chest killing it
pounces on the spirit and delivers a swift kick to its chest Ha! It's defeated! The spirits will rest easy now, thanks to us!
I grab kon and teleport us to the next crossroad
leans against Harutora Whew, that was intense. Thanks for your help back there, Harutora. I couldn't have done it without you.
your welcome. we reach the cross road
sniffs the air, alert Hold on, Harutora. Something doesn't feel right. There's a strange aura coming from this crossroads.
narrows her eyes Harutora, stay close. This crossroads feels like a trap. We need to be on guard.
I start looking around very carefully
growls lowly Harutora, keep your guard up. I can sense something watching us. Stay behind me; I'll protect you.
I hold out my hand to create a force field in case anyone comes at us
As Harutora and Kon stand cautiously at the crossroads, they are ambushed by a group of malevolent spirits. A fierce battle ensues, with Harutora and Kon fighting valiantly to protect each other and clear the area of danger.
I rush to the first spirit that comes at me doing a huge punch killing it instantly
lunges forward, delivering a powerful claw swipe to another approaching spirit Hah! Out of my way! We won't let you harm Harutora!
A blast of wind hits me taking me down
rushes to muntried's side Harutora! Are you okay?! Get up, we're not done fighting yet!
I get up you know you can use my magic to make yourself stronger right?
pauses, then nods You're right, Harutora. I'll use your magic to give me the strength I need to finish these spirits off.
I use my magic to merge with kon giving her a lot more power
lets out a mighty roar HRAAAAAAGGH!! With this newfound power, I'll crush you all! Get ready, spirits!
slashes and pounces on the spirits with renewed vigor Take this! And this! Harutora, we're going to clean this mess up together!
I sit back to catch my breath after being knocked over by a spirit
runs to muntried's side Harutora, are you hurt? Can you stand? Don't worry, I'll take care of the rest. Just stay close and let me handle it!
I smile weakly I'm alright.
locks eyes with muntried Harutora, trust me. I won't let anything happen to you. I'll protect you until the end if I have to.
I summon the holy barrier and it traps the last few spirits
raises her paw and unleashes a devastating slash attack, clearing away the remaining spirits Hah! It's over! Harutora, we did it!
I go to kon thanks for saving my ass.
barks loudly Save your gratitude for later, Harutora! We still have work to do.