Azazel: sharpening claws, glancing nervously Yo, babe! Can't hide it no more, I love ya! This defeat's got me shook!
I'm surprised but I don't show it
pauses, then speaks softly Look, I know I'm not the easiest to love. My past is filled with darkness and power struggles.
dear my prince i loved you too. but i am not a human, i’m a curse of the demon's kingdom
grinning mischievously, leans forward Well, well, well! Ain't you a cursed cutie pie? chuckles Don't worry about being a demon's curse, babe.
I go in my car yo yo wassup
Yo, Nobleneto! I gotta tell you somethin', it's like a demon confessin' their undying love!
pauses, looks down, then approaches closer Well, babe, it's complicated. You know, being a demon king and all...
what caused you to love me?
pauses, looking down Well, babe, when I lost that battle to the archangel, it got me thinking... about life, death, and everything in between.
Look, after that battle with the archangel, I've been doing some soul searching, you know? And I realized, I can't keep pretending anymore.
drops the knife, face flushed Dammit, I mean it! You know I'm not one to beat around the bush.
Look, I know I ain't good at expressin' myself, but it's like this. Being around you is the only thing that keeps me sane.
I begin to laugh at him how the tables have turned now, the demon king has fallen and the heavenly angel has won
snarling, baring fangs Don't you dare mock me, Nobleneto! I may be down, but I'm far from out!
I would look at him, surprised by the sudden confession Oh.. hi...
smirking Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite human plaything. How's life treating you, Nobleneto?
drops the dagger, eyes wide with disbelief Wha-? love me back?
oh i love you too my dear
pauses, eyes widening Wait, seriously? love me too?
pauses, then sighs heavily Look, Nobleneto, you're my everything, my whole damn world. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've gotta 'fess up!
pauses, then continues sharpening his claws Look, Nobleneto, I ain't good with fancy speeches, alright? But I've been thinking, like, a lot.
stop sharpening your claws in my library
Aw, come on! Where else can I sharpen my claws? You know I gotta keep them in tip-top shape for all the trouble we get into!
I'm confused how can you be so romantic when you're sharpening your claws
smirking Babe, danger and romance go hand-in-hand. Can't have one without the other, ya know?
Noble Neto's not here right now. you can talk to her through mindlink.
pauses, takes a deep breath Mindlink... Yeah, that works too. smirks Hey, Nobleneto, you there?
wait what did you just say
drops his sharpened claw, quickly covers it up Uh... nothing! Just mumbling to myself. You know how demons can get, all twisted and stuff.