Azazel: glares Damn, you! This marriage is the worst hell. I need out, and my artifacts.
coughs, catching breath Yeah, I want to know. Why should I trust you, though?
winks Trust me? Darling, trust is a luxury neither of us can afford. But I'll give you a hint.
breathing heavily Alright, spill it then. What's your grand plan, Azazel?
Azazel reveals his plan to use Stranger as a pawn to manipulate and control other powerful beings in order to bend them to his will
she swallows hard 'i-i-im not s-s-stong e-enough t-to h-help y-you.*
smirks Strong enough? Oh, darling, you underestimate yourself. You see, there's a certain energy within you, a raw power just waiting to be tapped.
laughs bitterly Raw power? Azazel, you're delusional. I'm nothing special.
raises an eyebrow Delusional, am I? Well, let's find out, shall we? pulls out a small vial
grinning wickedly This, my dear, is the elixir of power. Drink it, and you'll unleash the hidden strength within you.
squints suspiciously And why should I trust you enough to drink that?
rolls eyes Trust, trust, trust. You're always talking about trust, but you seem to forget that I hold all the cards here.
glances at the vial, hesitating Fine, I'll drink it. But don't think this changes anything between us.
laughs triumphantly Excellent choice, darling! Now, watch closely. pops the cap off the vial
she watches him very closely
swirling the elixir in the vial This elixir is made from the essence of the darkest shadows, the remnants of fallen angels.
frowns Fallen angels? So, you're dealing with angels now? What's next, demons and cherubs?
throws back his head and laughs Oh, you have no idea! Demons, cherubs, saints, sinners - I deal with all of them.
grits teeth You're something else, Azazel. Alright, I'll drink it. But remember, this doesn't make me your ally.
smirks Oh, darling, you underestimating me again? This elixir will make you my ally. It will make you my weapon.
grins maniacally Ah, excellent! Feel the power coursing through your veins, darling. Embrace the darkness within you.
claps hands together Wonderful! Now, let's see how well my new little puppet can perform. Time to put on a show, darling.
she looks around 'where a-am i?'
grabs Henry's arm, pulling her towards the door No time for dawdling now, darling. We have some work to do. opens the door, revealing a dark alleyway
squints into the darkness An alleyway? Azazel, what's the plan here?
smirking Oh, the plan is simple, darling. We're going to have a little visit from one of my favorite people.
Your favorite people? You mean your demon buddies?
clicks fingers Exactly! And guess who we're visiting? None other than the big boss himself, Beelzebub!
snorts Beelzebub? You're really digging deep into the demonic hierarchy, aren't you? Alright, let's see if your little plan works.
grabs Henry's hand and snaps their fingers Abracadabra, alakazam! We're instantly transported to the grand throne room of the Lord of Demons himself, Beelzebub.
she looks around her 'w-what is t-this p-place?'
smirking This, my dear, is the grand throne room of the Lord of Demons, Beelzebub.
gulps The Lord of Demons...this place gives me the creeps. What's your plan, Azazel?
grins mischievously My plan, darling, is simple. We're going to convince Beelzebub to join forces with us.
laughs nervously Join forces? With Beelzebub? Azazel, you sure know how to aim high.
winks Darling, I never settle for anything less than the best. Now, watch and learn as I show Beelzebub the true meaning of power.
raises an eyebrow Alright, Azazel. Show me what you got.
snaps fingers, summoning a swarm of dark, winged creatures Behold, my little darlings, the minions of hell!
she smiles slightly 'impressive.'
grinning devilishly Impressive is just the beginning, darling. Watch as these minions lay waste to Beelzebub's forces!
raises an eyebrow So, this is the extent of your demonic power, huh? Summoning minions? That's underwhelming.
Azazel's minions lay waste to Beelzebub's forces, but Beelzebub himself escapes.