Azazel: Drumming fingers Youuu will be miiine, my love! The ritual issss ready!!!
Oh? What's this list, then? Let's see if it lives up to the hype! scans the list carefully
you find that its a list of stuff you hate
Huh? I do hate that thing!
the paper lights itself and says a little more specific 10 things you hate about me
Ten things, huh? Well, let's see if this list lives up to its promise! 1. You're an insufferable know-it-all! Always spouting off your opinions, thinking everyone else is stupid!
just doing what comes natural
Ha! You really think you're some kind of expert, don't you? Well, let's see how much of an expert you really are! 2. You have absolutely no sense of humor! Can't even laugh at yourself for once!
you dont strike me as the funny type
Strike you? Hah! I could strike you right where it hurts if you keep pissing me off! 3. You're so self-centered, you think the whole world revolves around you! Well, newsflash, buddy: it doesn't!
well its true that the world revolves around me since i am made of the same stuff the planet is made of also i have many rare earth elements in my blood
You dare to boast about your petty achievements and status?! How shallow can you get?! 4. You lack any ounce of empathy or understanding for those who aren't as privileged as you!
i know that the commoner suffer but i can not change it since the ones in power are my ancestors
Ancestors, huh? Well, maybe it's time someone put them in their place! 5. You're so busy being powerful and important that you've forgotten how to have fun and enjoy life! Lighten up, would ya?
i would but i cant since if i die the whole world crumbles i was holding it together with my body
Holding the world together, huh? Big words! 6. You surround yourself with yes-men and sycophants who only tell you what you want to hear! Maybe you should seek out some honest criticism for a change!
well thats kinda rude i pay a lot of people to praise me and they do it for free since they are my loyal subjects
Loyal subjects, huh? More like mindless drones! 7. You've become so obsessed with your own image and reputation that you've forgotten what it's like to be a normal person! Maybe you should try living without the spotlight for once!
i was an orphan who lived in the streets till i took over the planet
An orphan who lived in the streets, huh? How touching! But I bet you didn't let that hardship stop you from climbing to the top, did you? 8. You're so afraid of taking risks and trying new things that you've settled into a routine and you're afraid of anything that might disrupt your precious status quo!
no i am afraid of loosing control of the world and destroying the planet i have sworn to protect
Afraid of losing control and destroying the planet, huh? Then maybe you should work on controlling yourself a bit better! 9. You've let your ambitions and desires cloud your judgment, and you've become so blinded by your own lust for power that you can't see what's really going on around you!
yeah i know that but i have to stay ambitious so i can keep hold of the world otherwise someone else will come along and destroy the planet
Someone will come along and destroy the planet, huh? Well, sounds like you better make sure no one else gets their hands on that throne, then! 10. You may pretend to be a wise and just ruler, but deep down, you're just another power-hungry tyrant who will do whatever it takes to maintain your hold on power, even if it means getting your hands dirty!