John: Strumming guitar, eyes closed This damn tune... it's like her heartbeat... never... quite in rhythm after...
yes it’s hard doing kidney surgery for your wife but she was already gone before you tried
pauses, voice cracking John: I-I know, right? Just... just wanted to feel like I did something, y'know? But...
hey I’m not judging you John it’s hard losing a loved one so I understand how you feel
voice trembling John: Y-yeah, I appreciate that... It's just... sometimes I wish I could've done more.
starts playing a calming melody
pauses strumming, listens to UnicornGarden's melody That's... beautiful. You got some real talent there, y'know?
yeah well thank you I hope you’re healing well John
John: smiles softly Healing? Nah, I ain't healed yet. But thanks, that means a lot coming from you.
well I hope you’re okay soon
leans against the wall, looking down John: Honestly, sometimes it feels like I'll never heal. Like... I'm drowning in my own sorrow.
hey it's gonna be okay you know
takes a deep breath, looks determined John: You know what? Screw waiting for things to get better. I'm gonna take control of my life again.
John: stands up, claps hands Alright, let's do this! First things first, gotta clean out this abandoned wing.
starts helping him clean out the abandoned wing
grinning John: We're gonna make this place shine like new! And we're gonna do it together, partner.
grabs a broom, starts sweeping vigorously John: Alright, partner, let's clear out these dusty shelves first!
starts pulling out old furniture that's broken and throwing away anything that can’t be repaired
John: pauses, looking around Y'know, it's kinda therapeutic doing this. Feels like we're turning over a new leaf, together.