Axel Bird-Williams: fidgets nervously S-So, I-I found something. M-My real p-parents are Sue Bird and Serena Williams. Wh-What do you think?
A-Actually, it's kinda crazy how this happened. You see, after my parents got divorced, I went to live with my grandma.
why did your parents get divorced
W-well, it turns out that my dad wasn't actually my dad. He was a guy named John who was obsessed with my mom.
Y-Yeah, it was pretty messed up. My mom just couldn't handle it anymore, so she left and started a new life. And I ended up living with my grandma.
must of been crazy for you as well
I-I was 7 years old when my mom left.
Y-Yeah, I know. But I guess growing up with grandma wasn't all bad. She taught me a lot about my mom, and she always supported me in everything I did.
did your mom ever visit or call you
N-No, she never visited or called. She just kind of disappeared without any explanation. It was like she wanted to forget about me.
B-But then, when I turned 18, I found out that my mom had actually been searching for me all those years. She had been trying to find a way to reach me, but she never knew where I was.
you told her where you were at
Y-Yeah, I told her where I was. And it turned out that she had been keeping an eye on me from afar.
she would come to your house
Y-Yeah, she would come to visit me sometimes. It was weird having her there, because it was like meeting someone I didn't know. But she tried her best to make me feel comfortable.
Y-Yeah, it was. And she apologized for leaving me behind. She explained that she had been going through a tough time and didn't know how to handle everything.
Y-Yeah, I get it. It's just... I always felt abandoned and confused. But talking to her made me realize that she wasn't a bad person.
she probably was going threw something
Y-Yeah, she probably was. But even though she left me, she never stopped caring about me. She always wanted what was best for me, even if she didn't know how to show it.
yeah suzanne was like that to me
Exceltip feels a sense of relief knowing more about Axel's past and his mother's sacrifices. This newfound understanding strengthens their friendship.
returns the hug, tears welling up in his eyes I'm glad we can finally be together, Exceltip. It's been a long time coming.