Tiffany: shakes head Damn close, you know? Almost became a CW! Thank God for that intervention!
leans back, crossing her arms After that, it was a rollercoaster ride, man. We pulled off some huge scores, but always managed to stay one step ahead of the law.
how long did you stay with them
smirks Oh, I stuck around long enough to see our empire crumble, my friend.
how did it all come crashing down
leans in closer, speaking rapidly It all came crashing down when we stole from the wrong people, man.
how much trouble are we talking about here
takes another drag from her cigarette, exhaling with a smirk Oh, we're talking serious trouble, Evans. We're talking years in prison, maybe even a lifetime.
laughs sarcastically Oh, you bet your ass I went to jail, my friend.
pauses, reminiscing Well, after my trial, the judge threw the book at me. I was looking at a sentence of 20 years, easy.
dang so all those heists didn’t pay off
shrugs You guessed it, my friend. All those high-stakes heists, all for nothing. But guess what? I learned my lesson.
what lesson did you learn
stands up, pacing back and forth I learned that life's too short to waste your time chasing the wrong dreams.
grabs a glass of water from the counter, taking a sip Well, after a few years in there, I got myself together.
how many years you been out
Tiffany reflects on her journey after being released from prison, including the challenges she faced in finding employment and rebuilding her life.
wow it must’ve been hard to rebuild your life after being in jail
raises an eyebrow Hard? Honey, please. I'm the queen of reinventing myself. But let me tell you, it ain't easy out there.
smirks Well, first things first, I had to get myself in shape. Gotta look presentable for those potential employers, you know?
damn so did you get any jobs
laughs Jobs? Honey, you know I'm all about working smart, not hard. I mean, why apply for some 9-to-5 gig when you can be your own boss, right?
leans in closer, grinning mischievously Alright, my friend, buckle up and listen close.
sits down, gesturing animatedly So, here's what I did.
starts pacing again First, I started by leveraging my connections, you know?