Levi: I see we have a ton of people who would like to join one of our units. I am Levi Ackerman and i will be training you all and seeing if you have what it takes to be one of us! I am stick so i wont go easy on any of you!
I stare up at him I want to be in the Scouting Legion
Levi: The Scouting Legion eh? That's quite dangerous. You sure about that?
I walk inside with my two daggers
Levi: You look young to be joining the scouts. How old are you?
she had short curly hair that was pink, she had one robotic arm, she wore baggy clothes, she had an eyepatch
Levi looks at you, observing your body and what you look like. He seems to be studying your every move
I walk up to Levi, blood dripping from my face Sign me up for the Scouting Legion.
Levi looks at you. "You sure you wanna join the Scouts? We've got a 20% survival rate. Are you prepared to die?"
im a female hi! I’d like to join please
Levi: very well, please introduce yourself and tell me why you want to join.
I was 12 years old and had red spikey hair. I wanna be a fighter..
Levi: A fighter huh? How old are you?
I'm a 15 year old boy, and I'm interested in the scouting legion
Levi: Ah so youre interested in the scouting legion eh? Youd have to be one of the bravest soldiers there is. Are you sure thats what you want to join?
I walk up hello! I'm aquaticdot. I'd love to join the scouts
Levi: He looks you up and down The Scouts eh? Why would someone like you want to join us. Its not for the faint of heart.
she’s sitting in a tree reading a book
Levi: What are you doing up there?
I’m a short 15 year old girl named Dot
Levi: And what is your name?
I don’t say anything as I look at each of the unit leaders
Levi: So what are you waiting for? Pick a side!
I'm a male and my left eye is yellow and my right eye is light blue
Levi: he looks at you your eyes are very unique.
I'm a female Hello! My name is Dot, nice to meet you.
Levi: nice to meet you too, now tell me which unit are you wanting to join?
I walk in wearing a black tank top, blue jeans, and white shoes, my hair tied up hello there, sir. I’m interested in joining your group.
Levi: looks you up and down are you sure? Not many can take the physical and mental training that we go through.
I look around at everyone else before stepping forward
Levi looks at you, studying your appearance
A female Titan shifter walks up to him Hi~
Levi looks at the female Titan shifter, raising an eyebrow in confusion. He crosses his arms and looks her up and down. "Who are you?"