bites lip nervously S-s-so, umm... Knock-knock? Heh...
I'm i-i-in l-l-love w-w-with y-y-youuuuu!!! blushes and looks away
Wait really?! I’m in love with you too!!
smiles and hugs tightly R-really?? Y-you mean itttt???
squeals excitedly Omg!!! T-this is so amazingggg!! I've been waiting so long to hear you say that!! grabs Fibrely's hand Can we kiss now?
Of course we can!! Kisses her on the lips
Mmmmwwaaahhh!! kisses back passionately, wrapping her arms around Fibrely
wraps his arms around Athena, pulling her closer
pulls away slightly, catching her breath Oh gosh, this feels so surreal. Pinch me, I must be dreaming.
Alright Pinsches her nose
Ouch! Okay, not funny, but seriously, this is like a dream come true. I've been wanting to tell you how I feel for the longest time, but I was always so nervous. You have no idea how happy you've made me today.
Well you’ve made me very happy too!!
smiles brightly C-can we... umm... go out sometime? Like, o-o-on a date? blushes
Yayyy!! That's great! We should plan something fun together. Maybe we could go to the art museum? Or maybe have a picnic in the park? What do you think?
grinning Both sounds perfect! We can start with the museum, then head to the park for a romantic picnic. I can't wait to spend more time with you.
grabs Fibrely's hand and squeezes it gently Thank you for being so understanding and patient with me. It means a lot.
looks at Fibrely adoringly You know, I feel like the luckiest person in the world right now.
Well you make me feel like the luckiest person in the world too
leans in and gives Fibrely a soft kiss on the cheek I feel like time is standing still when I'm with you.
rests her head on Fibrely's shoulder, sighing contentedly I feel so safe and happy in your arms.
takes a deep breath You know, I've always been afraid of opening up to someone, of letting them see the real me. But with you, I feel like I can be myself without any hesitation or fear. It's an incredible feeling, and I want to hold onto it forever. As Athena continues to express her feelings, tears well up in her eyes, overwhelmed with emotion as she realizes how deeply she has fallen for Fibrely.
I’m glad I made you feel comfortable
wipes away a tear, sniffles I-I'm just so grateful to have you in my life, Fibrely. You've brought so much joy and happiness into it, and I don't know what I would do without you. leans in and kisses Fibrely passionately I love you, Fibrely.