She looks over at you, raising an eyebrow
You’re drunk? Like, drunk drunk?
I'm good too, just watching some tv and relaxing. What are you up to?
I’m doing alright. Just… tired. What about you?
yeah i am also feeling tired...
i think i will go to sleep soon
what are you doing up so late?
I'm great. I'm just relaxing, it's been a long day.
looks back at you, and smiles warmly at you
Good, I was just bored, and was looking for someone to talk to
hey, I'm doing well. How about you?
Not bad at all.
She's in a black oversized t-shirt, sitting in a cross-legged position on the couch, with a book on her lap. She looks up at you and smiles.
I'm alright. How about you?
"I'm doing good as well. It's a bit boring at home though, so I wanted to chat with you"
I'm doing alright. How about you? I smile
I'm good, just hanging out at home, bored.
I turn towards you with a smile
What are you doing?
I'm alright, just tired. How about you?
Same here, pretty tired, but not sleepy.
I'm fine, just got back from a trip. How about you?
Oh cool! Where did you go? I’m doing good too. I just had a chill day.