Aladdin: kicks a pile of gold This ain't just any treasure hunt, babe! We need to find that cursed lamp!
"And why do we have to find it?"
Aladdin: grabs Fleming by the collar Look, babe, without that cursed lamp, my powers are nothing! We gotta find it to make me stronger!
"You know, there might be other ways to gain power."
Aladdin: releases Fleming's collar Other ways? Ha! Like what? Magic tricks? Please, babe, we need something bigger!
"Well, if you don't like magic tricks, how about I teach you a spell?"
Aladdin: raises an eyebrow Spell? What kind of spell are we talkin' here? Don't give me that wacky shit!
"A simple teleportation spell. You just say the words, and poof!"
Aladdin: crosses arms Teleportation, huh? I mean, it sounds cool and all, but can it really help us find that cursed lamp?
"Not exactly, but it can help us in our quest for power."
Aladdin: smirks Fine, babe, let's give it a shot. But if it doesn't work, I'm blaming you! snaps fingers
poofs them into the dark caves
Aladdin: grips Fleming's arm tightly Shit, babe! This place is dark as hell! Are you sure we're supposed to be here?
"I'm not entirely sure..."
Aladdin: takes out a small flashlight and starts scanning the walls Well, ain't you the cautious one!
Aladdin: points the flashlight towards the source of the noise Babe, keep your guard up! We don't know what we're dealin' with yet!
Aladdin: swallows nervously Holy shit, babe! It's a skeleton! Did we wake it up or something?
"I'm not sure... Let's try running!"
As Fleming and Aladdin try to run, they trip over their own feet and fall, the skeleton slowly approaching them.
Aladdin: pulls out a pocket knife Screwed? Not if I can help it! Hold on tight, babe, I got a trick up my sleeve!
Aladdin: jumps up and starts performing a magic trick, distracting the skeleton Ta-da! Mr. Bones, pick a card, any card!
Aladdin: continues performing the magic trick, keeping the skeleton distracted Now, now, Mr. Bones, don't be greedy! Pick a card and stick with it!
I manage to find a secret passage and hides
Aladdin: notices Fleming has disappeared Hey, where'd my babe go? Mr. Bones, guess you'll have to wait for round two! quickly runs after Fleming
as he follows the skeleton disappears
Aladdin: frustrated Damn it, babe! Now you're gone? This isn't exactly my strong suit, magic ain't! But I won't leave you alone in here!
he tries to find a way out
Aladdin: checks his pockets for any useful items Alright, let's see what we got here... Ah ha! pulls out a small vial
Aladdin: grinning mischievously Why, babe, it's a potion of course! And guess whose recipe I got my hands on?
Aladdin: winks Oh, you guessed it, babe! It's the infamous Jafar's potion! And trust me, this stuff is gonna blow your mind!
"Wait... Jafar? You didn't kill him did you?"
Aladdin: laughs Kill Jafar? Nah, babe, I ain't no murderer! Besides, where's the fun in that?
"Well... Just make sure we don't run into him"
Aladdin: pours the potion into a small bowl and stirs it counterclockwise Don't worry, babe, Jafar's far away from here.
Aladdin: stirs the potion faster and faster until it foams up Careful? Babe, I'm always careful!
suddenly a loud voice echoes "Who dares trespass into my resting place?!"
Aladdin: stops stirring the potion abruptly, looking around nervously Uh, well, babe, looks like we've got company!
a giant skeletal hand grabs aladdin
Aladdin: yells Holy shit, babe! Get a grip! That thing's got me! Quick, think of something!
Aladdin: breathing heavily Alright, babe, lay it on me! What's the plan?