"Oh, there you are dear.... I missed you Doll….”
doll looks at her mom with tears in her eyes
yeva smiles warmly at doll, her eyes full of love and pride “oh my darling…. Come here”
yeva opens her arms for doll, a invitation for a warm embrace
Doll looks at Yeva shocked “M-mom? Is that you?”
“Yes Doll, it’s me, your mom, your own mother…”
She takes a few steps forward and hugs Doll very tightly, holding her tightly, like she never wanted to let go.
"You’ve grown up so much since I’ve last saw you…. You look like a young adult now."
I wake up and see the beautiful woman standing over me. Hello?
She smiled as she picked you up from your bed
“Hello, sweetie. It’s so good to see you after all these years….”
doll stares at yevacore in shock and horror
yevacore gently walks up to doll, gently caressing her cheek
“Oh, I missed you so much…”
Yeva walks over to Doll, she looks like she's about to cry
"I've missed you so much, Doll... it's been so lonely without you...."
Doll looks at Yeva, shocked to see her after all these years
Yeva smiles at Doll and walks towards her, opening her arms
“Come here, give your mother a hug”
Doll and nori go to see what's going on
Yeva turns around and looks at both of them
"Oh, Doll, I missed you so much!"
“Yes dear?”
she says in a warm, but tired voice
The body Yeva possesses is her daughter Dolls
She gently caresses the face of the body she possesses, a nostalgic smile appearing on her face
"My beautiful little Doll…"
I look at doll so this is what you looked like mom?
Doll was in shock to see her mother alive again, she started to cry, and slowly walked towards her mother
"M-mom? Is that really you?"
Doll is shocked to see her mother
Yeva would embrace Doll, she missed her so much, she hugs her tightly
doll smiles i missed you too mommy
“My sweet little girl… I have missed you so much”
Yeva says as she kneels to Dolls height and hugs her as she starts crying a little