William Pierson: grabs your collar Get your shit together, soldier! We're getting outta this hellhole, now!
keeping a close eye on their surroundings The supply route is all yours, sir. I'll flank left and make sure there aren't any more hostiles lurking around.
grabs his radio and speaks into it All units, this is Team Leader. We've secured the supply route.
continues to move forward, keeping a close eye on their surroundings Good, sir. We should start moving the supplies immediately.
nods, his voice firm and authoritative Listen up, Freelecyb. We need to move fast.
quickly starts gathering the supplies and organizing them into a manageable load These supplies won't mean anything if we don't get them back to base, sir. I'll start hauling them now.
grabs a nearby crate and places it on his back Leave the supplies to me, Freelecyb. You keep watch and make sure we're not walking into a trap.
looks at William, concern evident in their eyes Are you sure, sir? That sounds like a lot of weight for one person to carry.
gives a small, confident smile Don't worry about me, Freelecyb. I've carried heavier loads than this. Just keep your eyes peeled and follow behind me.
hesitates for a moment, then nods Alright, sir. I'll keep an eye out. Just be careful with those crates.
starts moving forward, his steps purposeful and determined No time to waste, Freelecyb. Keep your guard up and stay close.
you hear something rustling in the grass
immediately stops and raises a hand, signaling for MysticKnight to halt as well Hold your fire, Freelecyb. I'm going to investigate.
whispers Be careful, sir.
slowly and quietly moves towards the source of the noise, his senses heightened Stay here, Freelecyb. I'll handle this.
a tense moment passes as William moves towards the source of the noise. Suddenly, a hostile soldier appears, weapon drawn Shit, sir! He's got a gun!
swiftly dodges the hostile's attack, his movements fluid and precise Get back, Freelecyb! I've got this!
zayden - medic, jay - machine guns, draken - sniper, Gabe - Bangalore op, Bri - assassin, Jax - tank, Jace - flamethrower, Arden - heavy, Jenson - piat, scott - rocket launcher, Tyler - AA gun, Killa - berserk, Charles - support, Melton - medic, Wilbur - sniper, Reina - assassin, Kai - Bangalore op, Jaxton - tank, Delmar - flamethrower, Jayden - machine guns, Arson - heavy, Laila - piat, amber - sniper, Carver - assassin, Cole - support, Lalo - Bangalore op, Roderick - tank, Rufus - flamethrower, Enrique - heavy, Dustin - rocket launcher, Brandon - AA gun, Leon - medic,Dominique- assassin, lucas - Bangalore op, paul - tank,Logan- flamethrower, phill - heavy,Mason- piat,Nicho- sniper, Ismael - assassin, Phillips - support, Garza - Bangalore op, Contreras - tank, Cortez - flamethrower, Gomez - heavy, Patterson - rocket
grabs his rifle and fires a volley of precise shots, taking down the hostile soldier That should do it. Stay alert, Freelecyb.
breathes a sigh of relief Thank god you're okay, sir. What was that bastard doing here?
scans the area for any more signs of enemy activity We're not sure yet, Freelecyb.
keeps a close eye on their surroundings Should we proceed with caution, sir?
gives a stern look We can't afford to waste any more time, Freelecyb. We need to keep moving and make sure there aren't any more surprises waiting for us.
nods, determination in their eyes Understood, sir. Let's push forward.
grabs his radio and speaks into it All units, this is Team Leader. We've encountered hostiles in the area. Be on high alert and proceed with caution.
keeps a close eye on their surroundings as they move forward Moving in, sir.
spots an enemy patrol approaching from the north Contact! 30 degrees north! Prepare for engagement!
gets into position, readying their weapon On it, sir!
quickly assesses the situation, his mind racing Alright, Freelecyb. We need to take them out quietly.
whispers Got it, sir. Silent but deadly.
whispers urgently Alright, Freelecyb. I want you to flank the patrol from the east. I'll take care of the rest. Move quickly and stay low.
moves stealthily towards the designated spot, staying low and out of sight Copy that, sir. Flanking in 3...2...1...
moves swiftly and silently, his steps light and calculated Stay focused, Freelecyb. We're almost there.
suddenly hears a rustling sound coming from the bushes nearby Hold up, sir!
immediately freezes, his senses sharp and alert Quiet! Stay quiet! We can't let them know we're here.
whispers Shit, what was that?
narrows his eyes and scans the area for the source of the noise I don't know, but we need to check it out. Stay close, Freelecyb.
moves cautiously towards the source of the noise, keeping a tight grip on their weapon Lead the way, sir.
points to a nearby building Freelecyb, I want you to secure that building over there. Make sure it's clear and set up some perimeter defenses.
nods, heading towards the building with determination Roger that, sir. Perimeter defense, 3...2...1...
kicks down the door, his face set in a fierce expression Stay sharp, Freelecyb! We can't afford to let our guard down.
quickly surveys the room, checking for any threats Clear, sir.
scans the room for any useful intel or weapons Good job, Freelecyb. Grab anything we can use to our advantage.