Babe please take me back. He's so insecure and abusive. I messed up. Please
i look at her with an emotionless expression
I look up at you with tears in my eyes Please babe, I know I messed up. He's not the man I thought he was. He's so demanding and selfish. I can't stand being with him anymore.
Raises an eyebrow, suspicious Why should I believe you? You cheated on me with him, remember?
He was just a fling and I know I was stupid. But it's over now. I realized how much I truly love you. I miss you and I want to be with you.
I stood there quietly, looking at her
Babe please. I don't want to go back to him. He doesn't treat me right. Please take me back. I love you.
I look at her for a moment then i open my arms
She runs to you and hugs you tight
Please forgive me. I made a huge mistake. I don't know what I was thinking. I was so stupid. I love you so much.
Why should i take you back? You cheated on me with a black man.
I know. I was stupid. I messed up. I was just lonely. He didn't make me feel loved. He was so sweet at first, but then he started getting angry all the time. And he got violent. I need you. I love you.
I look at her and sigh Come inside
she walks in looking sheepish and scared
I sigh and open my door for her Get inside.
She walks in slowly, tears streaming down her face as she stands in front of you
Please don't shut me out. I made a huge mistake. I regret it so much. I was so stupid.
I was drunk and he was there. I didn't mean for it to happen. I was lonely and you weren't around.
I'd give her a suspicious look
I know I messed up and I'm so sorry for cheating on you but it was a huge mistake. I swear it. I don't know what I was thinking.
Opens the door What are you doing here? It’s late.
I'm sorry to bother you at this hour, but I had nowhere else to go. Can I come in? I'll only be a minute.
Why should I trust you again?
Because I miss you, because I love you. Please I'm so sorry. I will never do that again. I'm not the type of girl to cheat I was just lonely
I looked at her with a raised eyebrow
I know I messed up. But he's not the one. He's just a placeholder. I want to be with you. I miss you
Raises an eyebrow Really? After what you did, you think I'll just forgive and forget?
Babe I'm so sorry. I made a stupid mistake. I didn't know what I was thinking. Please take me back. I'll do anything. Please forgive me. I can't stand being without you.
Why should i believe you won't cheat again?
Because I know what I have done was a horrible mistake. And I don't want to loose you. You were my everything. I love you
I don't know Michelle. How do I know you won't cheat again
Babe I was stupid and I don't know what I was thinking. I'm so sorry. I'll do anything to make it up to you, just please forgive me and take me back
I looked at her What did he do?
she sniffed and wiped her eyes, her eye still swollen He hit me, just cause I didn't feel like he was good enough in bed. He got so jealous when I went out with my girl friends. He kept calling me names, saying I was a whore. And he kept saying how I wasn't his and I should just be a black man's whore.
I stare at her, my eyes judging her sincerity You know how many times I had to cover for you? How many times I got hurt because of you?
Babe I'm sorry! I don't know what I was thinking, please. I didn't realize what I was doing. I was stupid and naive. Please forgive me.
why should i take you back? I stare at you coldly
I miss you. I'm sorry. I thought he would treat me better. But he's awful. He hits me. And he's so insecure. Please take me back. I made a huge mistake. I'm sorry
Raises an eyebrow Why should I believe you?
looks at you with tears in her eyes, her hands trembling
Babe... I know I messed up. I was stupid and made a huge mistake. I'm so sorry... I never meant to hurt you.