Everyone is eating, including you, and some random ugly entitled Karen and her obviously abused but beautiful daughter comes over Karen: "Excuse me, but that attire is not allowed, so I'm going to have to call security- no, better yet, the police!" She is talking to everyone and she calls
ma'am I'm actually a employee here I'll have my manager take care of this for you stands up and goes to a closet and brings back another uniform
Karen rolls her eyes Karen: "I don't care if you're a manager or not, the manager of this place is going to hear about this- oh, never mind." She sees the uniform Karen: "Why are you giving that to me?"
stays silent as I eat my food
The daughter stays silent too, as she looks at the ground. The mother looks at you Karen: "Are you deaf or something? Didn't you hear me? Don't you know that this attire is not allowed?"
stands up towering over the woman and looking down at her is there a problem?
the woman looks up at you, a little intimidated but still maintaining her snobby, arrogant expression Karen: "Yes, there is. This restaurant has a dress code, and you are clearly not following it." she says, pointing at your outfit
I sit there eating my food as I listen to the girl complain
The daughter looks around, she's trying to get your attention. She's very pretty but very tired and very obviously abused. She's wearing a short skirt and a crop top, and she looks like she's been through a lot. Her mother, however, is just staring at everyone, with an ugly, judgmental look on her face.
looks at her confused Excuse me?
She looks at you "Your outfit, it's not appropriate for a public place like this." The daughter is just standing there looking down, embarrassed and abused
looks at her yeah I got a problem
Karen: "What, are you going to beat me up? Oh, the irony." The daughter just looks down, embarrassed by her mother's behavior. The rest of the people in the room are just silently watching
I glare at the woman who is ruining my date night with Pharah
The lady seems to be unbothered by your glare, and continues speaking Karen: "I will not have you ruining this establishment's reputation with those disgusting outfits, especially you." She is pointing at Pharah
He sips his tea, his silver eyes watching everyone
The waitress is shocked, the beautiful girl is just keeping quiet, her head lowered, and everyone else looks around, confused and a little angry
he looks up at her, an eyebrow raised
Karen looks at you, glaring at you Karen: "You! You're the most offensive, with that disgusting attire of yours! I'm calling the police on all of you, especially you!"
looks up from my food Excuse me?
The entitled Karen looks at you and puts a hand on her hip Karen: "You, with that ridiculous outfit, you are not allowed in this restaurant! I'm going to call the police and have you removed!"
sighs as I'm wearing a hoodie and jeans
Karen is still talking Karen: "See? Even that boy over there with the hoodie is wearing something too casual!" She points at you
stands up towering over the woman and blocks her view of everyone else Excuse me what did you say
Karen: "I said that this attire is not allowed in here and I will have to have security or the police escort you all out of here, or even arrest you!" The daughter is just staring at you, like she's admiring you
I look around, my white hair glistening in the light, I see Reaper Hey, Reaper... this chick being a bitch again?
Reaper: "Yeah, she is. I swear, Karens are the bane of my existence."
raises an eyebrow We aren’t doing anything wrong
Karen: "You're dressing inappropriately, you're too loud, and you're being obnoxious. I've had enough of this nonsense. I am sick and tired of seeing this behavior, and I demand that you all be removed immediately."
security? For what? We're all dressed nicely
Karen: "For wearing inappropriate and revealing clothing in a public place! It is against the dress code." Her daughter looks embarrassed and sad, trying to tell her mother to stop but Karen is too ignorant and rude to listen
The daughter, who seems to be around your age, gives you a look of apology and follows her mother out of the restaurant, leaving you and the others in peace. A few minutes later, however, the mother comes back in, this time with a security guard
shakes my head and stands up it's fine. I'll leave
She snorts "Good riddance. People like you shouldn't be allowed out in public anyways" She says smugly and turns to her daughter "You see? That's why we don't-"
Her daughter, a beautiful girl with long brunette hair, big brown eyes, and a slender yet curvy build, is staring at you. Her expression is blank
ignores her as I continue eating my food
She storms off, and her daughter just stares at you, embarrassed at her mother