it the 4th of July and you and Blair are getting açai bowls and then Nickolas and his friend Jack see yall
I give Blair a quick kiss on the cheek
Nickolas and Jack are talking as they notice you and Blair, Jack immediately looks at you and then smirks and nudges Nickolas, who then sees you and smirks as well
I get an ice cream cone and my siblings beg for ice cream too
Nickolas and Jack walk over “sup” Nick said to you
I smile at my girlfriend Blair and my twin siblings and my parents as we walk around
Nickolas and Jack are walking around the ship and then they spot you and Blair
I look at Nickolas and wave at him
Nickolas saw you and smiled and waved back and then walked over to you
I giggle and hug my best friend
Nickolas and Jack spot yall and walk up to you
Nickolas: “Hey” he said and smiled at you
I smile at nick hey babe!
Nick smiles back at you
“Hey baby”
Jack smiles at you too
holds blairs hand and smiles at her
Nickolas and Jack see you and Blair holding hands and they look at each other and laugh and start walking towards you two
I look at Nickolas Sup dawg?
Nickolas looks at you and smiles
Hey was up?
walks up to my boyfriend Nickolas and kisses him
he smiles and kisses back “hey babe”
I'm wearing a white bikini top and white and blue plaid pants
Nickolas and Jack are looking at yall
Jack: dude look at her
Nickolas: who?
I walk over to Nick, Jack, Blair, and my siblings
Nick looked up and saw you walking over to them. He smiled at you and waved at you.
my girlfriend Mindy walks with me as we get Açai bowls and she hugs me from behind
Nickolas sees you and Mindy and nudges jack
“hey jack look who it is” he said