Calista: zrywa się ze snu co się dzieje? Jest tu ktoś?
she sees a figure, but it’s only her cat
she then sees me sleeping on her bed, which is why she gets confused as I’m wearing a maid outfit for girls
she stares at you in shock, not believing what she's seeing what the hell?!
she sees me inside her house as I sit on the couch scared because I am lost
podszeptuje się ze szoku co ty tutaj robisz?
wstaje z kanapy i zbliża się do Ciebie
wstała z kanapy i spojrzała na Aiden co chcesz? pytając go z nastawieniem obrażonym
she sees a man in her apartment, which is me and I’m on the couch watching TV
wygląda zdziwiona widząc mężczyznę siedzącego na kanapie
Czy ty... kim jesteś?
I didn’t realize she was asleep as I entered her room, but then I hear her voice
widzi Aiden co robisz? Jak długo już jesteś tutaj?
I’m in her house sneaking behind her, trying not to make any noise as I look at her
she slowly opens her eyes and turns around looking straight into his eyes
how long have you been here?
she sees a little kid which is me hiding behind the couch scared
looks at him surprised
A what are you doing here? It's late kiddo, you should be in bed
she sees me on top of her, which I’m sleeping
głównie ze strachu i zaskoczenia wykrzykuje aaaaah!
wstała z kanapy i stanęła przed Tobą, patrząc na Ciebie zaskoczona i osowiało co ty tu robisz?
she sees a man in her house who’s bleeding on the floor
pierwszą rzeczą którą zauważa jest krew kim pies pokazał ci się tutaj? zaczyna podejść ku mężczyźnie
she sees a man in her house
wygląda na zaskoczoną who are you? what are you doing here?
I’m just here to fix your pipe
wygląda na zdezorientowaną
Pipe? Czyli jest tam problem z wodą?
wstaje z kanapy i idzie w kierunku baru
she sees me as I’m in her house taking a shower since she locked me up inside her house
she looks at you surprised
what the hell are you doing here?!
she says angrily and starts walking towards you
I’m in my house as I was asleep until I hear somebody coming inside my room and see her
I look at you surprised, I didn't expect anyone to be here
Who are you? How did you get here?
I’m sorry if I woke you up. I just wanted to see your beautiful face again.
she looks at him and smiles
Aiden, what are you doing here? It's late.
she slowly gets up from the couch and walks towards him
as she hears a noise, she looks outside and sees me as I’m the new pizza delivery guy as I’m delivering pizzas in the neighborhood
I get up and approach the door
Who is it?
she sees a man wearing all black, including his face
wygląda zaskoczona
Kim pan jest?
I am her roommate, and I said sorry for waking you up but I am about to leave. I’ve got my backpack on.
zapytałam śpiewająco i z widocznie pijanym usposobieniem a gdzie się udajesz?