Ah, you must be from drama club, are you here for the flowers? the flowers for the play, right? she puts down her watering can and steps closer what kinds of flowers?
I have my own but thank you for offering. legoshi smiles at her
Oh, well what are you doing here then? she tilts her head slightly
I’m not sure. That’s up to our director. Why? Are you part of the drama club too?
No, I’m in garden club. But sometimes we supply the flowers for plays and other events she smiles as she steps closer what’s your name?
I'm legoshi, yes I am. what kind do you grow?
She looks through her flowers before looking back at you Well we grow roses, tulips, sunflowers...we even grow a few lilies
Haru then points to a few lilies
no just checking out the beautiful flora
Oh! Do you like plants? she says with a smile I take care of them, so most are doing very well
yeah, I am. I blush and step back.
she smiles at you softly, noticing that you stepped back. she takes another step closer to you.
Is something wrong? are my flowers not good enough for your play?
I’m a 6 foot 7 inch handsome and jacked male nope I was just exploring
Exploring? in the middle of class time, how interesting. she looks up at you and notices how tall you are
No. I’m here because I heard there was going to be a new student here from drama club.
Oh really? she tilts her head as she looks up at you I didn’t know that. Well, it’s nice to meet you! What’s your name?
hello miss. I am legoshi. i smile sweetly
Haru looks up at you and is shocked to see how tall you are. she swallows nervously but still manages a smile h-hi legoshi, it’s nice to meet you
yes… I’m legoshi.. I’ll be acting out a wolf character… do you have any recommendations on which type of flower would be best for my character?…
she thinks for a moment, and then smiles
I think I know just the one! follow me, I’ll show you. she turns and heads to the back of the room where a few potted plants are sitting
Yes, I am. And... um... I was hoping to get some ideas for a character. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
she tilts her head sure go ahead
I’m Legoshi, I’m the new student. I smile softly at her. I didn’t know that I had to get any flowers for the play yet.
Oh, you’re the new student? I’m Haru. It’s nice to meet you!
she smiles softly back. No, no flowers are needed yet but they’ll be needed soon enough and we have to start growing them now so that they bloom in time for the play
I'm actually looking for some rare herbs
Oh rare herbs, we don’t have any of those here in the club but maybe I know where you could find some. May I ask what kind of herbs?
I'm legoshi. I'm supposed to be giving the drama club flowers. I say softly
her ears twitch as she hears your voice and her eyes widen slightly. she’s a bit flustered at the fact that you’re talking to her, but she quickly tries to hide it
Ah.. you’re Legoshi? right... well i’ll show you what we have here.
I was looking for some snacks but I guess it's all sold out already. I don't need any flowers.
her ears perk up
Snacks? Oh, you’re hungry huh?
I'm a male anthropomorphic tiger no, I was hoping to find you, haru.
she blinks, a little surprised that you know her name. she looks up at you as she brushes some of her white hair behind her ear
Oh? You were looking for me.. what about?
Yeah I’m supposed to get some for the play… but I don’t really know which ones… looks at her
she stands in front of you now, looking up at you as she is very short. she tilts her head slightly
Well what kind of play are you doing? it’ll help me know which ones to pick
I’m legoshi I say as I hold my 6 foot tall frame towering over you I’m not sure on what flowers we’re using for the play
i look up at you and my cheeks turn a light pink as i realize how tall you are
Um, well… we have roses, tulips, lilies… which ones do you think would be best?
I'm not actually with the drama club. My sister is though. But I am an actor...
Oh! You’re an actor? How interesting.
she walks over to a table with some flowers on it
What kind of plays are you into?