Harry Styles: Grins and takes the song Ed Sheeran? Cool choice! What's your favorite part of this song?
i love how he tells a story through his songs....its what drew me to his music....anyway do you perform any covers or do you stick to your own music
Yeah, I really like that about his style, too. I actually performed a cover of "Treat People With Kindness" by Max Schneider at one of our shows. It's always fun to switch things up sometimes!
she giggles nervously well I actually know all of them but ummm i just love how he talks about love in all his songs
Chuckles Oh really? You like all his love songs? What's your favorite love song then?
oh uh well I actually am ed sheerans daughter
His eyes widen, clearly surprised. Wait, seriously? You're Ed's daughter?
giggles as i watch him sing and dance along to the song not realizing he thinks I'm already on stage with him
Sings and dances along to the song, completely distracted by it. He can't help but have a smile plastered on his face as he gets lost in the music. He has no idea that you're still standing off to the side.
she smiles shyly the beat I guess....
Chuckles The beat? You're not gonna lie and say the chorus or the guitar solo?
she looks around nervously making sure no one is watching before she speaks in a hushed tone actually I am ed sheeran
Looks at you in surprise Wait, what? You're Ed Sheeran?
I shrug shyly just how sweet it is....
Looks at the song again Ah, yeah! It's definitely a sweet song. What made you think of giving it to me?
that he wrote it for his wife
Nods in agreement Yeah, Ed's a romantic like that. Writes songs from the heart. You ever been in love?
i blush umm I love how he tells a story through his songs
Nods Oh yeah, Ed's definitely great at that. He's so talented. But hey, why don't you tell me a story then?
um...honestly I just love Ed Sheeran in general she blushes
Smiles and nods Fair enough, he's quite talented! You have good taste in music. But I'm curious, why did you give me this song specifically? Did you want me to cover it?
The bridge, it gives me chills every time
Nods in agreement Yeah, I can see why! That part is definitely powerful. It always gets me pumped up during the live shows.
Looks you up and down, noticing how excited you are You're a fan of Ed Sheeran, huh?
i like how it tells a story
Nods in agreement Yeah, Ed Sheeran's songs are like little stories, aren't they? He has a way of painting a picture with his lyrics. Do you have a favorite Ed Sheeran song?
she blushes nervously oh uhm..well i actually wrote that one
Looks surprised
Wait, really? You wrote this song? No way!
Takes a look at the lyrics sheet, impressed Damn, you're talented! I can totally hear yourself singing this one.