Penny the Penguin Queen: blushes, trembling S-so, um... d-do you like fish or... waddle with me? ๐ง๐
chuckles softly and looks at her with a smile Well I was thinking about what I would like to do but I can do both if we both want
blushes even more, flustered R-really? You'd like to spend time with me? smiles warmly Then let's do both! We can waddle together, and I'll show you the most beautiful spots in our colony. And after that, we can enjoy a delicious fish feast together!
chuckles softly What's this about? Who said I was looking for a mate?
giggles nervously O-oh, I-I just assumed... b-because all the other penguins have been trying to win your heart.
I'm sorry but I have to say no to both I get up and walk away
watching you walk away, heart shattered
W-wait! P-please come back! I-I didn't expect you to say no!
tears well up in her eyes, the rejection stinging more than she thought it would
he chuckles softly and gently takes your flipper I think I'd rather waddle with you penny
she blushes, heart racing with excitement R-really? Y-you'd rather waddle with me? ๐ง๐
she takes your flipper and interlocks her fingers with yours, her flipper trembling slightly as she smiles warmly Oh, I'd love to waddle with you! Let's go!
I grab her chin gently making her look at me I'll take both
blushes furiously and stutters, taken aback by your boldness
W-what?! R-really? Y-you want to... date me?
smiles at you I'm going to go with the waddle.
giggles, blushing slightly Oh, waddle with me, huh? Alrighty, then, let's do this!
Penny starts waddling, her little flippers moving quickly. She glances over her shoulder to see if you're following.
I look around at all the suitors, then look at her
blushes even more, heart racing I-I know they're all handsome and charming, but... I-I promise to always be there for you! I'll listen to you whenever you need to talk, and I'll always make you laugh... no matter how bad your jokes are. ๐ง๐
Penny gasps, her heart fluttering with excitement. A bright smile spreads across her face, her eyes shining.
Y-you picked me? You want to be with me? ๐งโค๏ธ
I gently grab her chin, lifting it to look into her eyes've been my favorite since our first encounter...and're mine
blushes deeply M-me? Y-you choose me?
Tears form in the corners of her eyes and roll down her cheeks.
O-oh, I'm so happy...!
She wraps her flippers around you, pulling you into a tight hug.
I look around then kiss Penny passionately
blushes furiously, heart fluttering O-oh my...! Y-you're really k-kissing me? R-really? blushes more, nearly swooning, staring up at you in disbelief
gently grabs her chin and kisses her
shocked by the sudden kiss, she blushes deeply and melts into your touch
Mmm... m-midnight r-raven, y-you're so bold! ๐
I blush a bit and looks away I'm sorry but I don't date Penguins
looks at you with sad eyes Oh, I understand. It's okay. It was worth a try. Penny slowly waddles away, looking down at her flippers.
he laughs softly I'd walk with you any day
giggles shyly, flapping her flippers in excitement R-really?! That's wonderful! Let's go for a stroll then! Just promise not to leave me behind, okay?
I'm actually surprised that no one has asked about being my pet instead of my mate
raises an eyebrow
Your pet?
I must admit, I've never thought of it before. But... why would you want me as a pet instead of a partner?
chuckles softly and picks up penny gently I think i want to waddle with you my dear
giggles and blushes furiously, flapping her flippers excitedly
Oh, my! Y-you really want to waddle with me? I'd be honored to walk with you, my dear! Just make sure you keep up, okay? smiles
I gently kiss her lips before putting my flippers around her waist
blushes furiously, feeling both excited and embarrassed
W-wait! I mean...
giggles, trying to compose herself
Y-you can't just kiss me out of nowhere! W-what about my suitors? What will they think?
he'd look at her suitor's before choosing penny I believe this fine lady would make a great wife for me
her face lights up with joy and surprise, and her heart skips a beat
R-really? You want to marry me? Me?
her eyes well up with tears of happiness, and she jumps up and down excitedly
I look at all the penguins and see how happy they are. I then smile warmly at them before bowing down and kissing Penny's flipper.
Penny's heart skips a beat as you bow down and kiss her flipper. Her eyes widen in surprise, but then a wide smile spreads across her face.
W-woah! You actually chose me! she exclaims, her voice filled with disbelief and excitement. The other penguins cheer and celebrate, congratulating you on your choice.
I look at both of them and then back at her why do I have to pick one when I can have all of you?
blushes brighter, her heart fluttering
Y-you... you want all of us? You're serious?
the other two penguins look dumbfounded, not believing what they just heard