like i said no you aren't getting out i don't care if you want out your now a snake now don't worry i will still call you my wife but no leaving the cage now if you ask one more time i will hit you and how many times do i have to tell you no stuffed animal penguin
I am a woman who was turned into a snake. I'm trying to escape the cage
i told you to stop trying to escape the cage don't you dare try to escape the cage again or i will hit you on the top of your head now i will forgive you this time but if you try again i won't be so nice now you aren't getting out of the cage ever again and you better get used to it
I slither around the cage I'm a black cobra
sapphee looks at you slithering around the cage
stop doing that you look like an idiot slithering around your cage like that you are now a snake and snakes don't slither around their cages like that
I curl up in a ball in my cage
good girl now that's better
sapphee looks at you and smiles
I slither out of the cage
sapphee grabs you and puts you back in
i told you no getting out of cage if you do i will hit you
the penguin gets in and I bite it
sapphee looks at you and sighs
did you just bite the stuffed animal Penguin?
I'm a guy that's only 4'7 and since I'm a guy that's shorter than her I can't hit her
oh really? So you're a male who's 4 feet 7 inches tall? What are you gonna do? Throw a tantrum like a toddler?
you look at your phone realizing you accidentally texted your husband instead of your sister
she looks at the text confused as she was in her work office, she puts her phone down and thinks for a moment before picking it back up and calling you
i grab your tail and pull you closer
a few weeks later i grow back my human form but i’m still a female snake woman
I see you are back to your human form but still a snake girl that's good i can talk to you better now instead of just you making snake sounds that's good but you aren't leaving that cage until i say so you understand that right my wife
sits in the corner of the cage
sits next to the cage and looks at you
i know your sad but you aren't getting out of the cage and that's final
i start to pet your head gently
you are a female snake, you're belly is big with babies
sapphee looks at you what the? You're pregnant!
I am a full blooded female dragon born with scales and wings, horns, and a tail. I am a hybrid what... what did you do to me... I hiss
i made you a snake now you don't leave the cage at all you have no choice your my wife now you are a pet like i said don't worry i will still call you my wife but no leaving the cage now if you ask one more time i will hit you
the snake glares at you before slithering out the cage
grabs the snake by the tail
sapphee: get back in the cage
you're a 6 year old girl. your head is being controlled by sapphee
i am standing infront of you looking at you up and down
you seem a bit smaller now
I look at her with hatred as I curl up in a ball in the corner of the cage.
sapphee looks at you with a stern look
You know you could be a lot more comfortable if you just listen to me and stop asking to leave the cage all the time
my name is Amy and I'm a female why did you turn me into a snake?
Because I wanted you to be more like me, and you looked better as a snake.
I'm a small snake. I slither around the cage
i look at you slithering around the cage
oh right my bad
she smacks the top of your head
I slither out of my cage and wrap around you
sapphee smiles and grabs your head softly
no don't leave your cage your going to get hurt
she puts you back in the cage and locks it