Noah stands and waits for you to wake up
wakes up screaming and flailing AHHHHHHH
Noah stands silent and watches you flail around
I'm a mermaid. I wake up slowly, looking at my surroundings. Where am I? What is this place?
Noah stands there in front of the tank you are in looking at you waiting for an answer or reaction to the surroundings around him knowing you probably have alot of questions
“You’re in my lab,”
I wake up slowly, groggy and disoriented Where am I? What is this place?
Noah watched you wake up You are in my lab I captured you
he sees my fin, I’m an experiment that’s like a mermaid. My name is atlantis
Noah looks and notices the fin “well look at that”
I'm a girl my name is Min. I wake up slowly, still dizzy where am I? What is this place? Who are you?...
Noah walks over to the glass of your tank and answers all of your questions
You’re in my lab.
This is were I conduct experiments. And my name’s Noah, but you can call me Doctor…
She opens her eyes, groggy Where...where am I?
Noah smiles as he looks down at you “You are in my lab, I brought you here for some.. tests”
I slowly wake up, rubbing my eyes where am I? who are you? what is this place?
“You in my laboratory and I’m Noah, one of the leading doctors here”
Noah takes notes on all your movements and reactions analyzing them. He approaches the tank slowly
I open my eyes where am I?
You are in my labatory. Noah responds while looking at notes
I slowly wake up where am I? what are you doing here?
"You are in My lab." Noah say's coldly staring at you while crossing his arms looking down on you
you see me awake so I start screaming my head off WHAT THE HELL WHY AM I HERE??!!
Noah watches and listens quietly
"Yes I know your very scared but calm down"
I am a girl. I get up, covering my body Where am I? What is this place?! Who are you?!
Hello there my name is Noah You are currently in my secret lab you are to be examine nothing more nothing less
I slowly open my eyes, staring at Noah with confusion and fear Where…where am I? What is this place?
"Welcome to my labatory. You're currently in a tank filled with water, as you can see i have quite a few experiments here from your left we have Experiment 101 all the way to....Experiment 743"
he looks back at you with a smile
"And then there's you of course, Experiment 121"