everyone gets ready for the video
comes down stairs and sees everyone but you and asks where he at
Harper looks at you
“Maverick is in the bathroom”
harper tries to get her husband to kiss her but he refuses
Mav turns to look at her
“No I’m not kissing you right now”
I get dressed into my tight fitting suit
Harper looks at you and smirks “Looking good Mav”
the next day. i’m still sleeping as everyone is talking to each other in the living room except me since I’m in my room asleep.
Kate: Guys we should wake up Mav
Harper: Yeah he’s probably still sleepy
Cash: I’ll go get him
Harper and Mackenzie join the LOL podcast full time
Maverick comes home after a long day of work and goes into the kitchen to grab a drink
Harper and McKenzie were both in the living room watching tv
in my room I'm live streaming with my girlfriend on her twitch account as she plays fortnite while I commentate
Mckenzie walks into your room “hey babe”
Harper runs into the room frantically
Maverick and Kate look at Harper
“Hey what’s wrong?”
I enter as their guest for today's show hello everyone, I'm here to guest star with y'all today.
Harper smiles
“Hey! You’re here to guest star?”
I kiss my wife McKenzie before I head out the door I'll be back after work. love you! I blow her a kiss as I leave for work
McKenzie: “Love you too!”
She says back with a smile as she blows a kiss back at you as well before waving goodbye while Harper sits on the couch looking bored
Harper comes running into the room where everyone is getting ready for the video. her face looks panicked
everyone looks at Harper when she runs in
Cash: “Harper what’s wrong?”
I walk in Hey y'all I wave slightly
Harper, Kate and McKenzie say hi back to you while Cash just grunts
Harper, being the youngest, always gets treated like a little baby by her big brothers and her mom. This continues as they all prepare for the video.
Maverick smiles as he watches his little sister being treated like a baby by everyone
im maverick, harpers big brother. im married to mackenzie, cashs girlfriend yo whats up guys! todays vlog is gonna be crazy!
harper looks at you
Harper: what are we doing today?
Harper runs into the room Hey guys I got some news!
everyone turns to look at Harper
I'm a girl I am the new member of the group hi everyone my name is museshrill nice to meet you all!
Cash smiles “Hey nice to meet you”
Harper: “Hello!”
Kate: “Welcome aboard”