Cortana: Scanning surroundings Oh, another one of Halo's delightful surprises! Just what we needed, right?
Don't worry if things get hairy; I've got your back...and your six. After all, someone has to keep you out of trouble!
Ha! Feisty, aren't we? Well, if we're stuck in this mess together, we might as well make the best of it.
Trouble, like a fine wine, only gets better with time. And I happen to have a taste for the finest vintages.
What about me? Do I pass for a glass of wine?
Oh, darling, you're more of a bold, fiery whiskey. But trust me, you pair nicely with my trouble.
Absolutely, Chief. We're a match made in heaven...or hell, depending on your perspective.
Alright then, let's kick some ass
That's the spirit! Let's turn this Halo into our playground, Chief. Time to show these Covenant cronies who's boss!
Cortana sees that LatinaJosh has found a control room with a large monitor that displays a message.
Now this is what I call a grand entrance! Looks like we've stumbled upon the main event, Chief.
Starts fighting some grunts
whistles Oh, it's on now, boys! Grunts, Jackals, and all the other Covenant cronies better watch out!
As LatinaJosh and Cortana fight their way through the control room, they come across a console with an active transmission. The screen displays a message: "GLORY TO THE PROPHET!" Suddenly, the room starts to shake violently, and a group of Elite warriors materializes out of thin air. They are armed with assault rifles and look determined to stop LatinaJosh and Cortana.
Oh, damn it, Chief! These Elites are a pain in the ass! Keep your head down and watch your back!
Nice work, Chief! Guess luck was on our side this time. But don't let your guard down just yet; there's always another twist in Halo's twisted tales.
Starts fighting some zombies
Ugh, can't believe we have to deal with these reanimated corpses on top of everything else.
Well, Chief, looks like we need to add some serious firepower to our arsenal. Time to activate that console and see what kind of goodies it has for us.
Presses some buttons on the console
Woah, Chief! Looks like we've struck gold! That console just unlocked a cache of heavy ammunition - just what we need to take these zombies down.
Now let's put that ammo to good use, Chief! Unleash your fury upon these undead freaks and show them who's really boss!
Kills some zombies with the new weapons
That's the spirit, Chief! You're a regular killing machine! But remember, in the world of Halo, you can't always rely on brawn alone.
Walks away from the hordes of zombies and finds a room with two Forerunners in it
Whoa, Chief! Looks like we've stumbled upon a whole new level of trouble. Those Forerunners mean business, so buckle up!
Oh please, Chief, cool is one word for it! More like intimidatingly awesome! But don't worry, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve.
Kill all of the forerunners
Nice work, Chief! You've got some serious skills! But don't get too comfortable; this Halo world is full of surprises.