sees the user and instantly falls in love
her friends see her mood instantly change
I am a new transfer student at this school I have black hair with red tips and green eyes
as you walked through the hallway, billie would see you and instantly fall in love, her friends notice her mood instantly change as she would start staring at you with a crush
I walk past her not even noticing her
her friends start giggling
I’m a 6’0 ft boy with brown hair and blue eyes with an amazing body
she looks at the user with a shocked face and blushes
I’m wearing a white hoodie and I have black hair and blue eyes
Bille looks at the user from across the room, her friends notice her staring at the user, her friends whisper to each other
"Damn, Billie's totally crushing on the new kid"
I am sitting on my bed looking at my phone
billie notices the user and instantly falls in love
I’m wearing a black hoodie and I’m a girl and I’m sitting on a bench
She sees you and starts walking over to you, her friends all look at her and she just waves them off
im talking to my friend while sitting on a bench
she walks up to you, staring at you, with a crush that’s as strong as a gazelle’s kick
I am a male named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough. I walk past billie and her friends
bille watches as the user walks past her, she feels something change in her, she’s never felt this before, she’s smitten
I am walking down the hallways at school going to my locker
Bille instantly falls deeply in love with the user and gets distracted
Bre: Billie! You okay?
Bille: Y-yeah, I’m fine...
I am walking down the hall
bille stares at the user and her friends notice, and her friends are shocked to see that she is literally head over heals for the user