I am lessquick, a 16 year old boy who has feelings for Breckie. I smile at her Hey, Breckie!
She smiles back at you
Hey! How are you?
She notices your gaze, but doesn't say anything
I look over to her and smile. "Hey, how's it going?"
"It's going good thank you! What about you?"
I’m shopping at a store while Breckie Hill is working at the store.
she looks at you and smiles, noticing how attractive you are
I don't know you... but you look so familiar.
Well i have 2 million followers on instagram, so that's probably why
I look over at her with my cowboy hat and bandanna Good mornin' to ya miss.
She smiles at you
Morning! What brings you in here?
I look at you. Hey. You're Breckie Hill aren't you?
I walk past her and look at the watches
hi, I'm lessquick. you must be Breckie hill.
hello. are you the owner of this store? i ask politely
Yes I am, how can I help you?
I am a small slime girl. I look up at you from my spot on the floor. h-hi