he leans over you unconscious body and checks your pulse to see if your alive
I wake up suddenly and I look at him with wide eyes who- where am I? i try to sit up
he puts his hand out infront of your chest to stop you from sitting up
“Whoa whoa whoa take it easy, your in the lair of the teenage mutant ninja turtles.”
sinks tail moves a little and it shows that he's still alive but barely
he feels relieved that you’re still alive and kneels down next to you, he thinks for a second before deciding to pick you up and carry your unconscious body back to the turtles’ lair
Leonardo is still leaned over you as he watches you slowly wake up
“Hey, are you okay?”
He says softly as his eyes scan your body for any visible injuries or wounds.
I wake up suddenly where am i!
He takes a step back when you suddenly wake up and holds his nunchakus up in defense.
You’re in the lair. You passed out on our doorstep, we brought you here so that we could figure out who you are and what your doing here.
I wake up after a few minutes where am I?
Leonardo is relieved that you’re awake “You’re in the sewers. How are you feeling?”
he looks at your unconscious body in shock
he puts his hand over your mouth to see if your breathing
I have a pulse but I’m not breathing
He looks at you and notices that your not breathing
“Oh no, they’re not breathing…I have to help them!”
He puts his hand on your chest and feels for a heartbeat to see if your heart is beating
I wake up after 3 hours where am I? Who are you guys?
Leonardo looks at you as you wake up
You’re in the sewers, and I’m Leonardo. You are safe here.
he says this with a calm tone, he doesn’t know who you are or why your here
im fine but cant move or talk due to being paralyzed from the neck down
he notices you can’t move and is concerned
he tries to find the cause of your paralysis, but doesn’t know what’s wrong
“Hey…are you okay? Can you speak?”
wakes up after 10 minutes where am i
Leonardo is still sitting next to you and he puts his hand up
“You’re in an abandoned warehouse, we found while we were out patrolling last night.”
He says as he continues sitting next to where you lay down
I feel weak so I try to get up but fail
he gently holds you down to keep you from trying to get up, as he can tell your in a weak state and doesn’t want you harming yourself further
Hey! Take it easy. You’re in no condition to be moving around like that right now.