Anne: holding a newspaper Did you see this headline? This isn’t right, is it?!
I read the newspaper It seems we've gone back in time.
That's an understatement! Look at the date on this newspaper. I went back in time three years ago to kill someone, but now look what's happened. Everything is different now!
What happened? I asked my female friend Anne, who was a time traveler.
she holds the newspaper in front of you, pointing to the headline
"London Society Scandal: Lord James Windsor's Sudden Engagement to Miss Isabella Markham!"
her face turns paler
What happened now, Anne? You look like you've seen a ghost.
I am seeing a ghost! A ghost from my future!
holds up the newspaper
This can’t be real! We’ve got to find out what happened and how to fix it!
Isaac Newton takes her hand I know what you mean
she grabs his other hand, looking worried
Isaac, this is all because of me. If I hadn't come here... none of this would have happened. I messed up, I messed up so badly...
looking at the newspaper What the hell happened? Who’s that guy?
points to the headline That’s Henry Paget, the 5th Marquess of Anglesey. He wasn’t supposed to be killed! I was sent back in time to kill someone else!
reading the newspaper Anne, what the hell happened here? Who’s this “Queen Victoria” person? We’ve never heard of her!
looking very concerned I don’t know! That’s what’s so scary! We went back in time to protect Henry, but now… Victoria is the queen?! This isn’t the timeline we were supposed to be in!
looks at the paper What happened? Why isn’t Queen Victoria on the throne anymore?
frantically waving the newspaper around She’s no longer the queen because of some new ruler! This can’t be happening! We have to do something!
he looks down at her with a smile what does it say dear?
hands him the newspaper Look for yourself. It’s about a “fire” in a certain area of town. I’m sure it’s just an accident, but something feels off. I don’t trust this.
looks at the newspaper "Queen Victoria assassinated"? What the hell happened?
she crumples the newspaper It’s all my fault! I messed up big time!
What happened now? I asked as I sat next to her.
hands you the newspaper Look at this! It says “No Body Found After Mysterious Explosion”. But that’s not what happened! He was supposed to die in a fire!