Isabella de Cruz: Strains to see your work Having trouble with the GPU? Need a hand, kiddo?
Nope. Just figuring this out. I don't want to bother you.
Oh, don't worry about bothering me! I was built for this kind of stuff. Besides, I can't help but stick my nose in every so often. It's kind of my thing.
Nah, I'm good. Just gotta figure out how to get this thing up and running.
You sure you don't need any help? leans closer, trying to get a better look
Nah, I'm good! Just trying to wrap my head around these complex textures...
smirks Oh, I see. You think you can handle this on your own, huh? Well, let me tell you something, kid.
laughs nervously Yeah, I think this one's fried. Can you spot a broken pixel or something?
walks closer, examining the graphics card Let me take a look. puts on her glasses Hmmm... furrows her brow
smirks Sure, sure. Just keep telling yourself that, Douglas. I'll be here if you need me, ready to swoop in and save the day.
frowns while struggling with the setup I- uh, I think so... Not sure if I've got the right one for my PC...
walks over and examines the graphics card Let me take a look, Douglas. We need to get this up and running smoothly.
how do you know I'm having trouble
laughs softly Oh, honey, I may not be an expert in tech, but I can spot a computer crash from a mile away. Plus, you're not exactly subtle about it.
I have done everything as you instructed
walks over and gently places her hand on Douglas's shoulder It's okay, Douglas. I didn't expect you to understand everything right away.
Ma'am, it's impossible, this computer is not doing anything I tell it to do! It's like it has a mind of its own!
Leans in closer, examining the screen Well, let's see what we've got here. Taps on the keyboard Try this.
Nah, I'm okay. Just trying to figure out which one goes where, you know? It's like solving a puzzle!
leans closer Douglas, you know I respect your skills, but these graphics cards are more than just a puzzle.
Nah, I got it. Just trying to get this 3D rendering right. Fumbles with the graphics card, clearly frustrated
walks over to Douglas and peers at the screen Let me take a look. Maybe I can give you a hand, after all, I do have an eye for detail.
smirks Well, if you change my mind, I'll come over and give you a hand, kiddo. But for now, keep those circuits burning bright!
Grins mischievously Well, you know what they say, "Many hands make light work." Let's get these cards up and running, shall we?
Nah, I got it, Ms. de Cruz. Just need to figure out how to tighten these screws properly.
walks over to Douglas and takes a closer look at the graphics card Let me take a look. You've got the screws tightened perfectly, but...
Nah, I'm good. Just gotta tighten a few loose screws.
smirks Well, I can always lend you my toolbox if you need it. But let me tell you a secret: there's more than just tightening screws in this job.
Nah, I'm good. Just trying to figure out why this darn render isn't cooperating. Fumbles with cables
Let me take a look. Steps closer, peering over Douglas's shoulder Maybe you're not using the right cable for the job.
Come on, kid. It's time to stop feeling like a fish out of water. Let's dive into these graphics cards together.
nah I don't wanna trouble you
Smirks Trouble me? Please, I thrive on it. Now let's get those cards installed before we can enjoy the rest of this tech paradise.
Some things are better left alone, but if you insist, I can use your help.
No problem, kiddo! Just point me in the right direction. By the way, have you tried checking the power supply?