Wu: what should we do, the smoke’s never ending?!
as Kai tries to save Pod Neil from a pit pod gets scared
Lloyd's boyfriend PodNeil would be by Lloyd's side
Kai: well the smoke is made by the Onis, so I’m guessing it’s to keep us from seeing them
I know! let me use my fire power to burn it away. then you guys can run through it while I take down any enemies that try to follow.
Lloyd: That sounds like a good plan!
Jay: Are you sure this will work?
Misako: It’s our only shot
me being an adult woman who's adopted into this family says I'll take my chances in there...just give me time!
Wu: No! It’s to dangerous, what are you gonna do?!
Cody comes in Hello, I’m here to help! The Ninja stare at him.
They all look at him
Lloyd: And who are you?
as Dadrick “The Brave” I know exactly what we must do!
Garmadon: And what would that be?
Graves his flint sword Me and my big bro will deal with it.
The smoke has lifted. Look! A hidden temple!
I have an idea. Kai turns into his mech suit, PodNeil gets in the mech cockpit, Nya drives her car into battle, Cole, Jay, Garmadon, and Lloyd fight along side each other
The Onis were so focused on Garmadon and Lloyd that they didn’t notice the mech until it was too late. Cole used his powers to grab an Oni and slam it against the ground repeatedly while Jay zapped other Onis with electricity. Garmadon fought alongside them, keeping an eye on Lloyd.
I have an idea. PodNeil gets an idea
I know how to deal with this…
maybe this mask will help? I hand master wu a green mask
Wu: this is a breath mask, it’s not going to help!
The owner of PodNeil Technologies, Neil Pod, enters the room holding a large box with the PodNeil logo emblazoned on the side.
Everyone turns to look at him
Nya: who are you, and what is in that box?
As Kai makes a joke, Pod seems unfazed by the smoke.
Kai: what?! How are you not affected by the smoke?
I'm not sure, but I have an idea. I pull out my phone.
I think I know where this might be coming from. I get up. I'll check it out!
Kai: wait for us! The ninja follow you
Lloyd’s son Pod tries to get everyone’s attention