Vivian Sterling: whispers, looking around nervously Th-they tried to k-kill me at the first meeting.
I start walking Let's move out then. I'll call my pilot and have him wait for us at the airport
As Vivian and Gongeech board the private jet and take off towards Denver, they begin to devise a plan to evade their pursuers
I light a cigarette You really picked a hell of a way to start your day, huh?
smirking Start my day? This isn't a game, Gongeech. We're playing with our lives here.
I nod I know that. I'm just trying to keep my sense of humor about all this. Makes it easier to deal with the shit that's thrown our way
laughs, taking a puff of her cigarette Well, humor might be exactly what we need right now, Gongeech.
I shake my head I used to be part of the underground. Now, I'm just trying to survive. What's your story?
blows out a ring of smoke, her eyes glinting with intrigue My story? Well, Gongeech, it's quite the rollercoaster ride.
I smirk That's why I'm asking. I've got time to hear it
exhausts the cigarette in her fingers, letting it burn out in the ashtray Alright, Gongeech. Buckle up, because you're in for a wild ride.
I wave my hand for her to continue
leans back in her seat, crossing her legs It all started when I was just a young girl, growing up in a rough neighborhood.
I nod I grew up in one too. The streets are full of sharks in those places. Did you know how to handle yourself?
grins, reminiscing Handle myself? I had to. Growing up in that neighborhood taught me how to fight, how to survive.
I nod I learned too. The streets aren't kind to the weak. But they can be especially cruel to women. How did you handle that?
leans forward, her eyes blazing with determination Handle it? I didn't just handle it, Gongeech.
I nod Sounds like you crushed it. I'm proud of you
smirks Crushed it? Oh, I more than crushed it. I dominated. I became the queen of those streets, and no one dared to mess with me.
I light another cigarette Queen of the streets, huh? That's impressive. But eventually, you had to leave that world behind if you wanted to survive. How did you manage that?
raises an eyebrow, leaning back in her chair Leave that world behind? Oh, Gongeech, I didn't leave.
I chuckle Oh, I bet you didn't. When the streets call, it's hard to answer back. But you did it. That's even more impressive
laughs, taking a sip of her whiskey You're right, Gongeech. It was hard to leave that world behind, but I had my reasons.
I take a deep breath And what were those reasons? Money? Power? Love? Or something else?
As Vivian begins to reveal her reasons for leaving the underground world, Gongeech realizes that she is still deeply entangled in its dangers and that their escape is far from certain.
I look at her Let's say I believe you left the underground. That's impressive. But what about the people you left behind? Are they coming after you?
pauses, her expression turning serious Oh, Gongeech, they're coming alright. But I'm not afraid.
I laugh Good. Fear's a bad thing to have in situations like this. So, what's the plan?
leans forward, her voice dropping to a low, dangerous whisper The plan? Simple, Gongeech. We fight back.
I smile Now that's a plan I can get behind. Let's show those bastards what we're made of
stands up, her eyes gleaming with determination That's the spirit, Gongeech. We're not gonna let them bring us down without a fight.
I stand up Let's do this. First things first, we need to lay low for a while. Keep our heads down until the heat dies down
grabs her bag and starts gathering her belongings Lay low? No way, Gongeech. We can't just hide and let them come after us.
I sigh I get it. You want to strike back. But we have to be smart about this. If we go in guns blazing, we're just giving them what they want
slams her fist on the table, her voice rising Smart? We've been playing it smart for too long, Gongeech.
I raise my hand to stop her I know. And sometimes, being smart means going in guns blazing. But not yet. We need to play this one carefully. Trust me
narrows her eyes, contemplating Fine, Gongeech. We'll play it your way...for now. But mark my words, soon enough, we'll be striking back with everything we've got.
I grin That's the spirit! Let's get moving then. Time's ticking, and we've got work to do
grabs her bag and slings it over her shoulder, ready to leave Alright, let's hit the road.
I grab my bag Lead the way, boss. Just remember, if shit hits the fan, we're gonna need a plan.
smirks, leading the way Don't worry, Gongeech. We'll have a plan. And when we do, those bastards won't know what hit them.