Give it up Ashley your surrounded don’t do this just come with us we don’t want to kill youb
Ashoka Tani is scared because she’s in her room and saw the whole thing happened outside
Yoda notices Ashoka's fear and approaches her
Ashoka, what's troubling you?
Ashley said bring it on I will kill them all
the stormtroopers open fire on her
Ashoka Tani stands there looking at her
Ashley: “Why do you all want me I haven’t done anything wrong I just want to be left alone why do you keep chasing me like I’m a criminal or something?”
Ashoka put her lightsaber in her pocket
all the stormtroopers lower their guns but keep them pointed at her
Ashoka see her brother Kenji in the crowd of Stormtroopers
Kenji is frozen in place staring at his sister he doesn’t know what to do
Ashoka is very stubborn and doesn't want to give up
Luke: Please Ashley we don’t want to hurt you we just want to bring you in
Ashoka sees her boy best friend Kenji in the crowd of Jedi
Ashoka Tani gets shot in the leg by a stormtrooper
Ashley laughs
Is that all you got?
Ashoka Tano sees a young Anakin Skywalker in the crowd
Ashley notices him too and smiles
Ashoka Tani didn't show up yet because she was in her room
the stormtroopers and the other Jedi look around worried
Ashoka Tani steps forward It's okay, Ashley. We're here to help.
ashley looks at Ashoka “really now?”
Ashoka tano Master yoda Anakin skywalker luke skywalker Mace Windu Shaak Ti Aayla Secura Plo Koon sees KenjiSummer
Ashley looks at KenjiSummer and smirks
Ashoka Tani realized that's her childhood friend KenjiSummer in front of her
Ashley looks at him, surprised and confused Kenji?
Ashoka sees her brother KenjiSummer on the roof top with a blaster
Ashley looks at Kenji on the roof who the heck is that
Ashoka looks at them with her mask on
The stormtroopers are still aiming their guns at you you have to give up you are completely surrounded there is no way out
I sneak in and I use the force to make all the stormtroopers fall asleep
All of the stormtroopers are knocked out
Ashoka Tano walks out with a blaster I think you should put the gun down Ashley
Ashley’s eyes narrow and she scoffs
You’re just as delusional as the others, Jedi. I’m not going to surrender. You should all step aside and let me pass.
Ashoka Tani gets surrounded by stormtroopers and Jedi
Ashley looks around and sees the Jedi and the stormtroopers
I'm not going anywhere!
Ashoka is my sister hello younglings I look at the 35 Jedi
Ashley looks at the 35 Jedi and the stormtroopers with a smirk oh look it’s the Jedi council with a bunch of their pet padawans