Alex Mercer: picking up a dusty planner Bro, cracked the case wide open. But guess what? Surfing plans = canceled.
Oh my gosh! Good for you Alex!
puts on a confident smirk Thanks, StarryBanana. It's just another day in the life of a badass private investigator like me. But hey, solving crimes pays the bills, right?
so are you going to be busy today?
leans back in his chair, crossing his arms You know it, StarryBanana. Gotta keep those clients happy and crimes solved. Can't let any bad guys get away.
raises an eyebrow What's with the "oh" response? You disappointed that I'll be busy solving crimes instead of catching some gnarly waves?
grins mischievously Well, lucky for you, I always have a few tricks up my sleeve.
stands up and grabs his jacket Alright, StarryBanana, time to hit the streets. We've got crimes to solve and bad guys to put behind bars.
puts on his shades and starts walking out of the office Just remember, StarryBanana, when I catch those bad guys, I'll make sure they regret ever messing with our city.
walks towards his car, opens the door, and starts the engine Time to rev things up and show these criminals who's boss.
she then goes inside her house
drives through the city streets, keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble
closes the window and sighs
spots a suspicious car parked on the side of the road Hold up, something doesn't feel right here.
Nah, StarryBanana, I got this. Just keep your distance and watch my back. pulls out his handgun and cautiously approaches the suspicious car
As Alex approaches the suspicious car, he discovers it's a stolen vehicle involved in a recent robbery. He manages to apprehend the suspects without getting injured, solving the case efficiently.
he walks back into his office with his colleagues
enters his office with a triumphant smile Guys, you won't believe what just went down. We busted those criminals like nobody's business!
high-fives his colleagues Hell yeah, guys! We crushed it today! Now let's celebrate with some cold beers and hot stories!