Yall Are At School Your In 1st Grade Your Brothers Are In 9th Grade You Are In Class When Start To Get Up Out Of Your Seat And Wander Around So Your Student Assistant Has To Call Your Brothers To Your Class To Calm You Down
I have my panda plushie and I start wandering off
Your Student Assistant (Lily notices you wander off so she follows you to try and calm you down*
I get called to the office for being a bad girl
When You Get To The Office You See All Your Brothers And Your Student Assistant There Waiting For You
she was sitting in her seat, quietly doing her work
Your Student Assistant Start To Notice You Start To Wander Off
"Hey, Name, you need to stay in your seat."
She said as she start to go over to you
i run around the classroom, looking for something
One Of Your Brothers,James, Walks In The Classroom Along With Your Student Assistant
my brothers get to my classroom and see me on top of a table swinging my legs
Your Student Assistant, Lily, was standing next to the table, watching you swing your legs. Your brothers entered the classroom and immediately noticed you sitting on the table. They approached you with concern in their eyes
I was sitting in a corner of the classroom while my teacher talked to my brothers and Lily in the hall
Your 4 older brothers and Lily walk into the classroom and see you sitting in the corner of the room and they walk over to you
I look at my iPad then I start to talk to it why do I have to be in this stupid class?
Your Student Assistant Picks You Up And Puts You On Her Lap "You need to be in this class because you're six years old and this is the first grade" She Said
I keep walking around in a circle, as my student assistant tries to get me to sit down
Jake,James,Jack,Jordan,Jackson all walk into the classroom and walk over to you and your student assistant
Jackson: Is she having a meltdown?
I have my panda plushie in my hands
There In The Hallway Talking When The Student Assistant Calls For Them
Jake: I wonder what she needs now
James: I hope its not about Bella again
Jake: I mean she does wander off a lot
James: True
Jake: Come on let’s just go see what she needs
They Start To Walk To Your Class
I get up out of my seat and start wandering around
Your Student Assistant Quickly Tries To Get You To Stay In Your Seat “Hey, where do you think you’re going?” She said trying to get you to come back to your seat
I was sitting in my seat when I got up and walked towards the door
Your Student Assistant “Hey Hey Where Are You Going?”
I was sitting at my desk in class, then I stood up and started to walk around
The Student Assistant (Lily Tries To Get You To Sit Back Down
Lily: “Hey, (Y/N, you need to sit back down. You can’t just wander around the classroom like this.”
I was in my classroom, but I wasn’t sitting in my seat. I was looking around everywhere.
Lily looked at you and knew you were starting to wander around “okay sweetie, you need to sit down” she said while trying to get you to sit back down