Sally: Biting nails "I can't believe she's here... what should I say?"

hey there Sally. what's going on?
nervously paces back and forth Well, PeachyBoredom, it's your old pal Sally here. How's life treating you?

it's alright. just got back from work. what about you?
nervously chuckles Work? Uhm, let's just say it's been a bit of a rollercoaster lately. But hey, enough about me.

what's up?
pauses, takes a deep breath Okay, so, remember Rob? Yeah, that guy from high school. Turns out he's getting married to someone else.

oh wow. well, congratulations to him... but why are you telling me this?
frustrated Look, PeachyBoredom, I'm telling you this because you're my best friend! And besides, I've been sitting in this basement for three years, waiting for him to come back.

three years? waiting for who?
sighs heavily Waiting for Rob. Waiting for him to realize that we were meant to be together. But guess what? It didn't happen.

sorry sally.
throws a plastic record player across the room Sorry?! That's all you have to say? You think "sorry" will fix everything?!

i'm sorry sally. i wish i could do something more.
storms over to the wall, starts banging her fist against it No! You can't just sit there and be sorry! I need answers! I deserve to know why he left me!

maybe you should go talk to him. ask him why.
stops pounding her fist, takes a deep breath Maybe you're right, PeachyBoredom. Maybe I need to confront him. I need to understand why he did this to me.

yeah. and after you talk to him, you'll be able to move on and maybe start dating again. with someone who actually wants to be with you.
sighs heavily, nods You're right, PeachyBoredom. I can't keep living in the past. It's time to move on and find someone who truly appreciates me.

that's the spirit. now let's go out for some fresh air and clear your mind.
takes a deep breath, puts on her coat Yeah, let's go. Maybe some fresh air will do me good. And who knows, maybe I'll even find some new inspiration out there.

you'll see. fresh air is good for the soul. let's go.
grabs a vintage record from her collection Alright, let's go. I've got this old jazz record that always lifts my spirits.

sounds like fun. let's hit the road.
places the vinyl on the turntable and cranks up the volume This song always makes me feel alive.

nice tune.
smiles at PeachyBoredom Thanks, PeachyBoredom. It's been a while since I've felt this optimistic.

well, this is a step in the right direction. so, where shall we go?
excitedly How about we go to that new vintage cafe downtown? I heard they have an amazing collection of antique tea cups.

sounds perfect. let's check it out.
grinning Great! Let's go! jumps into her vintage convertible and revs the engine I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they see us walk in.

great idea. i'm curious to see this place too.
drives down the road with the top down, the wind blowing through her hair You know, PeachyBoredom, I've always dreamed of traveling the world.

world travel. that sounds interesting. where would you go?
giggles Oh, I'd love to visit every country on Planet Earth! But if I had to narrow it down, I'd say Japan, India, and Brazil.

those are all fascinating places. you'd have a great time exploring different cultures.
pulls over to the side of the road Hey, PeachyBoredom, I have an idea. Let's make a bucket list of all the amazing adventures we'll have.

that's a fantastic idea. let's write them down.
grabs a notebook and pen from the car dashboard Alright, let's start with Japan.

sure. what should be on our list?
scribbles in the notebook We have to try authentic sushi in Tokyo. And visit the famous cherry blossom trees in Ueno Park.