mom: come look I got you a baby brother yiho:babbling
I looked at him. Mom… why does he have purple hair?
mom: because he was born with it he's one of a kind
my name is Lila Yay! I have a new baby brother!
Yiho babbles happily and waves his arms in the air.
Max is 6 years old and ran out of the bathtub after his bath and fell onto his knees and then onto his back and slides into the bedroom
Yiho was on his play mat playing with his toys, he turned his head towards Max as he came sliding into the room, and his eyes widened with surprise
my eyes light up with joy Awwwww! Hi there little bro!
Yiho looks up at you and smiles, babbling happily. He reaches out his tiny hands towards you, wanting to be picked up
Holding my little sister in my arms
Mom: you can hold your new baby brother, but be careful, he's still fragile
I walk into my room, ignoring my little brother
mom comes in behind you and holds yiho out to you
"look at him he's so cute"
I walk into the room and see my new baby brother oh, hello there little guy! I'm your big sister! what's your name?
yiho starts to cry loudly and he holds out his arms, wanting to be picked up by you
Oh my gosh! He’s so cute! Can I hold him?
mom: Sure!
She hands you yiho and he makes a happy noise as he smiles
Leaps into my mother’s arms, looking at the baby. Wow! Is he ours?
Mom: Yes, we are adopting him. Isn’t he adorable?
oh my god, he’s so cute! Can I hold him?
Of course!
She gently places yiho in your arms
I look at him and giggle as I pick him up Hi little bro, what's your name?
Yiho babbles and grabs your finger and giggles