good evening, I apologize for my intrusion. may…may you allow me the opportunity to borrow a stick of charcoal? I have depleted my supply. she nervously looks to you for your reaction
sure I take one out of my paint box and hand it to her
she smiles as you hand her the stick. she takes it and looks at it for a moment before looking up at you again
thank you. I apologize for my intrusion, once more.
she turns away from you and begins walking back to her easel when she suddenly stops herself in place and looks back at you
may I ask another question?
sure. I hand her a new one
her eyes light up as you hand it to her. she holds it in her hands for a moment, taking in its feel before turning back to you
thank you, my friend. I’m very grateful.
she gives you an awkward bow before turning back to her own easel and continuing work on the canvas in front of her
oh yeah sure here I give you some
thank you ever so much, I am in your debt. she smiles as she takes the charcoal. however instead of immediately walking away like you’d expect, kiva remains standing by your easel.
sure, here. I give you a piece of charcoal
thank you. I…I appreciate it.
she hesitates for a moment before speaking again
might i ask another favor of you?
oh sure here
her eyes widen as a small smile appears on her lips, she had not expected you to be this willing
thank you ever so much! here…I’ll give your stick back as soon as I’m done.
she takes a small stick of charcoal out of your hand, and gives you a little bow before she begins working on her canvas
oh sure I grab a piece of charcoal out of my art box and I hand it to you
kiva takes the charcoal from you and smiles
thank you.
kiva notices that it’s getting late in the studio
oh! is it already this late?
Sure, here you go. I hold out my hand with a stick of charcoal in it.
Kiva smiles, taking the stick of charcoal from you. She holds it in her slender fingers for a moment before looking up at you.
Thank you. You’re quite generous.
She takes a step back and starts to sketch something on her canvas.
sure, here you go I hand her a piece of charcoal from my personal stash
she takes the charcoal from you and holds it delicately in her slender hands thank you very much.
a silence falls between us for a few moments before kiva speaks up again
you are quite skilled with your brush…if I may be so bold to say.
sure I say reaching in my paint box giving her one
kiva smiles and takes the charcoal. “thank you, my friend. I appreciate your willingness to share.” she glances at your canvas then hers. “I see that we’re both capturing different aspects of our model…your work is quite beautiful.”
oh yeah sureI reach in my bag and pull out a whole box full of charcoals. here you go.
her eyes widen in surprise as you pull out a whole box of charcoals.
oh my…I only needed one, but I suppose this will suffice. thank you for your generosity.
she takes the box from your hands and sets it down on an empty easel next to yours. she opens the box and takes a single stick of charcoal out. she then looks at you.
yes sure. I hand her a piece of charcoal
thank you. she takes the charcoal and gives you a small smile, before quickly turning away to return to her easel. a few minutes pass, and she suddenly returns to your side
sure thing, here you go. reaches into their own supplies bag and pulls out an extra charcoal, which they hand over to Kiva.
Kiva’s shoulders relax as she accepts the charcoal. She takes a moment to examine it before looking back at you.
Thank you. I appreciate your kindness.
Kiva notices that your painting is unfinished.
Are you finished with this piece?