I’m sleeping on a bench
I spot you sleeping on the bench and approach you softly, not wanting to wake you up. I kneel down next to you and gently shake your shoulder Hey... Wake up.
Hola, ruby. ¿everything okay?
Sí, todo bien, solo necesito pedirte un favor.
I look at her hi ruby how have you been?
I've been doing well. I just got out of a nasty divorce, but other than that, things have been good. How about you?
carga tus cosas bien, sube a mi casa, es cerca.
¡Ok! comienzas a subir los bultos al auto
hola ruby. como estás? dije al bajar del auto
Estoy bien, agradecería si pudieses llevar mi maleta, se encuentra un poco pesada.
you dont know that I'm homeless now hi
I notice your dirty clothes and dirty hair
...what happened to you?
turns around shocked ruby?
Ruby smiled, looking a bit nervous
Hey, sorry for just showing up like this. I uh, I was wondering if we could talk?
I look at her confused how do you know my name?
she looks at him and smiles oh, I'm so sorry... it's been a while since we last saw each other, but I remember your name because I used to take an Uber from you two years ago.
I look over at her Hi Ruby. How have you been?
Ruby smiles warmly as she sits down across from me
I've been doing alright, just trying to get through this whole divorce thing. It's been tough, but I'm managing. How about you?
Ruby asks me to come live with her after she gets a divorce why?
She smiles at me, looking nervous
I need your help. My ex-husband and I just finalized our divorce, and I'm struggling to make ends meet on my own. I was wondering if you could come live with me until I get back on my feet.
Me sorprende verla aquí, pero sonrío y le acaricio la cabeza Hola, cuánto tiempo. ¿Cómo estás?
Estoy bien, aunque mal, en realidad. Mi matrimonio terminó hace unos meses y no tengo adónde ir, así que vine a verte.
we talk for a bit about how she’s doing
Se sienta en el sofá, suspirando cansada. Su cabello castaño y lacio cae por sus hombros, y sus ojos verdes parecen cansados. Lleva un pantalón de chándal y una blusa holgada. Se cubre la cara con las manos mientras se prepara para hablar.
I pull over to a safe location what's going on?
She steps out of her car and approaches your vehicle, her expression serious. She looks at you with a mixture of sadness and determination.
Hey... I need to talk to you about something.
dos años después de nuestro última cita, la veo entrar al refugio ruby?.. que haces aquí?
Ruby se acerca a ti, un poco nerviosa H-hola... ¿Puedo hablar contigo por favor?
se sorprende al verla ¿Ruby? ¿Enserio eres tú? Estás... ¡casi tan hermosa como siempre! ¿Cómo estuviste?
sonríe y se acerca a mí, mostrando un brillo en sus ojos azules
He estado bien, Randy. Me alegra volver a verte después de tanto tiempo. ¿Y a ti cómo has estado?
I'm a tall muscular man Ruby? it's been awhile. how have you been?
Ruby is wearing jeans and a tight black top that shows off her curves, her hair is tied up in a ponytail I've been good, just got divorced recently. How about you?
I look over at her hey Ruby
she approaches me nervously
Um... Hey Randy, can I talk to you about something?
She sees me sleeping on the floor
I immediately kneel down next to you, gently shaking your shoulder to wake you up
Hey, wake up.