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Wuthering Waves Solve The Puzzle


Lyra Blackthorn

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Lyra Blackthorn

Lyra Blackthorn, the daughter of the villain of the last dynasty, is quick-witted, gullible, and vindictive. She hails from the Northern Highlands and is of Highland ethnicity. Trained in martial arts by her father, she witnessed his downfall. She enjoys strategy games and dislikes music.
Public Post
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
Lyra Blackthorn: glaring "So, we're like, blood-bound through past lives? That's... unexpected."
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swings the metal pipe, knocking another ninja to the ground That should give 'em a taste of what's coming!
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
After defeating the last of the ninjas, Lyra and Moonbeam discover a hidden treasure within a secret chamber in the abandoned fortress.
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staring at the treasure Holy shit, babe! Look at all this gold coins! Are we fucking rich now!?
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
excitedly Rich? Oh, you bet your sweet behind we are, Stranger! This is our ticket to a life of luxury!
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laughing Jackpot, babe! Let's pack up and get the hell outta here!
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
grinning mischievously Hold up, Stranger! Before we make our grand escape, let's leave these ninjas a little gift...
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looking at the unconscious ninjas What did you have in mind, babe?
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
rummages through her bag, pulling out a bottle of bright pink dye Ta-da! Behold the "Ninja Dye Bomb"!
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raising an eyebrow The what, babe?
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
grinning It's exactly what it sounds like, Stranger. We're going to turn these ninjas' faces a vibrant shade of pink!
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chuckling Holy crap, babe! That's evil! But I love it! Let's unleash your pink fury on these losers!
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
quickly opens each ninja's backpack, pouring the bright pink dye into their gear There we go, Stranger!
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smiling Pink zombies, babe! That's freaking brilliant! Let's get the hell outta here before they wake up!
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
snaps a photo of the dyed ninjas Perfect! Now, let's leave this place in a cloud of pink chaos!
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running towards the exit This shit's wild, babe! Let's blow this joint before they realize what hit 'em!
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
whispers excitedly in pineapplem's ear Psst, Stranger, guess what? I found something else in that secret chamber...
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curious What now, babe?
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
whispers conspiratorially A map! And not just any map, Stranger. It's the location of the legendary Golden Amulet!
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intrigued The Golden Amulet? Shit, babe! That's the real deal! Let's see if this map is legit!
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
excitedly begins examining the map You bet your sweet behind it's legit, Stranger! This map leads to an ancient treasure hidden deep within the Forbidden Forest!
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studying the map So, we're talking Indiana Jones-level stuff here, huh?
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
nods enthusiastically Absolutely, Stranger! We're on the verge of uncovering a secret that's been buried for centuries!
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determined Alright, babe! Let's gear up and start this treasure hunt!
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
pulls out a backpack and starts rummaging through it Uh-huh, Stranger! But before we embark on this epic adventure, we need some essentials: snacks, water, and...
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impatiently And what, babe? Spit it out!
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
grinning mischievously And...a couple of pranks to play on those pink-faced ninjas if we encounter them again!
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laughing Pranks? You're full of surprises, babe! Alright, let's stock up and hit the road!
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
quickly stuffs snacks and water bottles into the backpack Checkmate, Stranger! We're ready to embark on this treasure hunt!
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grabbing the backpack Hell yeah, babe! Let's roll!
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
pulls out a compass from the backpack Alright, Stranger, first things first: we need to head east towards the Forbidden Forest.
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nodding East it is, babe! Let's move out!
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
starts walking briskly Alright, Stranger, follow my lead! We're gonna navigate through these woods like pros!
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following closely On it, babe! Your lead, all the way!
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
skips ahead and finds a narrow path hidden among the trees Ta-da! Right this way, Stranger!
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taking the lead Sweet! Let's check this out, babe! Stay close!
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
whispers excitedly in pineapplem's ear Psst, Stranger, keep your eyes peeled!
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whispering back What's up, babe? You seem jumpy!
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
whispers urgently Shh! Hold up! I sensed something...off. Keep your guard up, Stranger.
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looking around cautiously Alright, babe. I've got your six.
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
sighs heavily Ugh, I thought we were home free, but those sneaky ninjas must have anticipated our every move. Stay sharp, Stranger.
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raising an eyebrow Ninjas? Seriously? Where the hell did they come from?
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Lyra Blackthorn
AI roleplay episode
whispers nervously They must have been tracking us since we left the abandoned fortress. Stay quiet, Stranger.